Wish I didn’t have to join this…

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  • 484 subscribers

I’m still reeling from the shock of my diagnosis and waiting for my MRI scan and HER2 results have been agonising and extra depressing at this time of the year when everyone else is happy. I haven’t had the heart to tell my children or my family abroad yet - will do when I get a treatment plan in place. 

I can’t get over the fact that I had none of the symptoms (other than the lump) and none of the risk factors (other than being a woman). Disappointed I’m about the healthiest person I know…. 

  • Hi Losrandfrustrated

    Welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with breast cancer.

    You’d be surprised at the number of people who like you had no symptoms apart from a lump, some only finding out they had breast cancer the first time they went for a mammogram.  The waiting for results to come is hard and can be frustrating at times. Things should start to improve for you once you know your treatment plan.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your MRI Scan and with whatever treatment plan you oncologist puts you on.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

    • Hi there, I’m in the same situation as you although I have yet to see a consultant to discuss my results on what stage my cancer is as I’m currently still on holidays abroad for the Christmas / NY break, I’ll find out when I get back in the UK next week. I’m the same with just having a lump as my only symptom. I’ve lost weight from going on a nutrition plan and look and feel the healthiest and fittest that I have been in a long time. I don’t have any family history of BC either. I exercise regularly by going to the gym and playing team sports. It’s been a cruel blow as to why this has happened to me now and constantly ask myself why me of all people? I don’t smoke and only drink  moderately and I’m only in my 40’s! I guess we just need to stay strong and positive to fight and beat this coming battle ahead. Easier said than done though!
  • Hi Lostandfrustrated, sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I had no symptoms at all. I was recalled after my first mammogram as something was found. I couldn’t feel anything and neither could my surgeon ! It could have gone on for a lot longer without me knowing. Cancer doesn’t care if you are fit and healthy, male or female. Everyone is at risk unfortunately it’s just pot luck. I thought I would never get it but then bang out of the blue I found myself going through the whole hog of treatment. 
    Everyone is different about telling their family. We told our kids straight away and didn’t hide anything. Next was the rest of the family, friends and work. I told them even before I had my full diagnosis and plan so everyone was aware and it helped me as it was so difficult waiting for results and people would have seen something wasn’t right. 
    You need to tell people when you are ready to tell them. We are all here to help and offer advice where we can. 
    Wishing you all the best.

    Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x

  • Hi Graceful Rose

    Welcome to the forum and I’m sorry to hear that you were recently diagnosed with breast cancer. What you are feeling is perfectly natural, we’ve all felt like,that from time to time. What else can we do but keep going though it’s hard at times. However if you feel the need to rant about your situation please do especially on this forum as we all understand what’s it’s like to have cancer. No one on here will judge you for it.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your results and with whatever treatment plan your medical team put you on.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • HI, thank you for your response. It's been an absolute emotional rollercoaster for me and hence I haven't had the courage to follow up on this forum and read other peoples' posts. 

    I hope you now have your treatment plan in place, and all the best for your recovery!

  • Hi there! Hope you managed to have a good break and you're now on your way to recovery! Thank you for your message - whilst waiting for my results I couldn't do much other than staring into space and crying and so I didn't have the courage to follow up on my opening post and read other peoples' posts. I hope you are now well on your way to recovery and all the best to you and your family!

  • Hello, thank you for your message. The waiting was indeed horrible, especially in the lead up to Christmas and then further until after New Year. You are absolutely right that I felt relieved after knowing my treatment plan, and I was then able to my children and my family abroad with a slightly more positive/upbeat tone. 

    All the best to you.