Triple negative newly diagnosed

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  • 489 subscribers

Hi I had it confirmed yesterday I’ve got triple negative BC after finding an uncomfortable lump. Had an MRI today and should hear from specialist next week re treatment regime. Lump is 5cm and they are saying chemotherapy for 5/6 months to try and shrink it. Whilst at the MRI scan was talking to a lady who was exactly the same as me but 18 months down the line. She said her lump was 5cm as well but even after all the chemotherapy it didn’t shrink. like mine she was told it was fast growing. She still ended up having it removed at 5cm. 

I know everyone is different but I’ve been left thinking what’s the point of all that chemotherapy and then having to have the same size lump removed. Is it usual procedure to do it this way? Don’t they remove the lump first? 

sorry I’m rambling. Any information etc welcome. 

  • Hi, I was diagnosed with TNBC in October and was told the same thing, chemo first followed by surgery. I have just competed my first cycle of chemo and start the second next week.This will be for 6 months.  I have Markers in my breast to monitor for shrinkage. I was told that it was chemo first due to the TN diagnosis as they establish what is driving it and they need to attack the cancer cells first. I’m hoping for shrinkage and hadnt really thought of it not shrinking and still expect a lumpectomy/mastectomy at the end. Hope this helps. Xx

  • Hi Whatsnext, so sorry to hear you have triple negative, it's such a terrible shock, I was diagnosed a couple of weeks ago.

    I'm in the same situation (chemo to start January followed later by surgery) and asked my consultant and oncologist the same thing you're thinking, as my first reaction was I wanted surgery.

    My consultant told me if they do chemo first then they can find out more about my cancer and see how it reacts to treatment. This will hopefully give them more info on how to treat me further down the line, if I need it. I was also told that for 70% on the chemo the cancer disappears completely. So here's hoping this happens for us.

    There are many lovely people in this community that know much more than me as they've already been through it.  Plus we are all different, so you must check with your own doctors but hoping this info helps you.

    Really hoping all goes well for you.

  • That's what I've been told as well. Hope your first cycle was ok, I start first week of January 

  • I’m the same triple negative 1.5cm 

    12 weeks chemo planner then surgery then immunotherapy/ radiotherapy 

    gotta get Christmas over and done with .not had a start date yet 

    i think once a schedule is in place you will feel much better, mentally 

    sending you a huge hug x

  • Thanks what’s your regime? Hope you have been ok on it. 

  • Yes agree it’s the limbo because of Christmas xx

  • Thanks for your response. Fingers crossed ours shrinks. It’s just one person in a waiting room but as you said so many more will have shrinkage. We can be treatment buddies x

  • Hi, I’m on 1st week Pembrolizumab, paclitaxel, and carboplatin followed by 2nd week just paclitaxel and 3 week just paclitaxel that’s 1 cycle then starts again. This is for 12 weeks and then I will start EC for 12 weeks I believe with 2 or 3 week intervals. 

  • Meant to also say, don't look at stats online, it's mainly way out of date and doesn't cover latest treatments. Best info is in here with people going through it. Definitely keep in touch as we go through this x

  • Hi  

    i understand it’s standard protocol to use systemic treatments first if the lump is over a certain size. 3 advantages - to find out whether it responds to the treatment; to address early any cells that have escaped, and to (hopefully) shrink the primary tumour and therefore potentially make the surgery smaller.  As ythe person you met indicated, there’s no guarantee it will work - but you will know whether it is working. All the best.