New hear can't stop shaking over thinking

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I have her 2 op meant to be 5th Dec take lump out said then cancer will be gone..but I have to have chemo I'm so s scared and injections both every 3 weeks for 5 to 6 months injection to stop the cancer respetors ..I'm so scared to have chemo and side affects ...

  • Hey Kaz - similar situation however mine is chemo, full mastectomy then the injection and radio so a little more advanced I think. However I’m approaching chemo (1st session on the 30th) by researching how I can keep as well as possible through diet - there is a lot of info out there about what best to eat and not to eat to mitigate side effects and improve efficiency of treatment through food. This is something I can control and it makes me feel a bit better about the coming months. 

  • Hello lucretia

    Thank you for replying I been looking at foods too..

    When do you start yours's so weird like out of our control in our heads ... My watch thinks I'm exercising loads I keep asking questions and and asking the same ones my head wants all good answers ...on repeat button just feels like a nightmare ..and unlogical xJoy

  • I’m off for my pre treatment assessment in about an hour then my first chemo is the 30th. 6 sessions in total - three weeks apart. 
    it is an absolute nightmare. There is no easy way or right way to deal with this crap emotionally. I don’t feel ‘brave’ and I don’t feel ‘strong’ I feel like all I want to do is crawl under my duvet until it goes away. But I can’t. I cry a lot. I joke about it. I ignore it and I obsess about it. Every day, every hour , every minute is different. So I will take control as much as I can. Starting with food. And doing what I can to make sure the chemo side effects are reduced as much as I can 

  • For Kaz as well.  Chemo can be delayed because your white blood cells are not high enough.  I had a blood test several days before my third chemo session (fortnightly at moment) and my white cells were way too low.  I knew it would not go ahead if I didn't do something, so like you Lucretia 2023 I researched foods etc..... fresh fruit, vegetables and omega 3 fish..... within two days for my second blood test I had pushed the white blood cells through the roof, my consultant was so pleased the day before the chemo went ahead......last thing you want is a delay...... I told him when I looked in the mirror I saw a fish.... gills and scaley skin.... bizarrely he wasn't sure what I meant until I explained....Omega 3 is good for white cells...... Melatonin has also been recommended as a natural path to help cancer, I take it on occasions but it does seem to give me a little indigestion at bedtime....but using all the others strategies too - Vit C and D; Burdock tea for inflamation with lemon and honey..... 

    My treatment is two months fortnightly strong chemo medication; three months weekly lighter medication, surgery and then radiotherapy..... I will gen up on the latter as the date comes closer, which will not be until around next  April time..... dont want to scare myself too much.  One thing at a time....

  • Hey Anji - this is very useful to know. Thank you. Will look at omega 3, melatonin and burdock tea. 

    and I could not agree more. One thing at a time. Currently I will focus on the chemo. Everything else can wait for now. 

    we are all in this together! 

  • Hi 

    1. finished chemotherapy five weeks ago, 12 in total , had picc line so made it easier, I put it in my head it was my new UNPAID job ,, soon has the first is done you will be okay not knowing the reaction is the worse, I was fine all the way through took all the medication they gave me l had no sickness , the worse for me was the fatigue but I managed to get out for a walk everyday to keep my muscle strength up , after every session of chemotherapy I started going on short walks and building it up  I treated my walking like I was training for a marathon and ready for the next session of chemotherapy..I did have stomach upsets but controlled that with Imodium , it is doable just take it week by week it soon goes by drink plenty of water .

    Take care you will be fine xx

  • Your senses change so much.  I always had to have two cups of coffee before I even started in the mornings.... now I really cant stand coffee.... but I have good days where I will eat good things and then days where I treat myself to what I fancy if it really is what I fancy.  Your smell and taste receptors change immensely - I have always had a keen sense of smell, allergic to nuts I can smell them the other end of a room, so I am finding that difficult.....I spray myself, my clothes with lots of deodorant or perfume to align the smell..... foods I try to put other tastes in..... fortunately I live alone, so it doesn't affect anyone else.  But yes, one thing at a time and enjoy some down time.... possibly for the first time in my life I am binge watching films.

  • Lovely advice - thank you JaneyM1

  • Anji - love this so much! Yes - down time. Let’s enjoy it as much as we can. Since the first fatal visit to the breast clinic 6 weeks ago  I have binge watched Lucifer on Netflix. I had two weeks off work between the clinic and the results and it’s all I did. I think I’m on season 5 now! 

  • Thank you so much Pray I will try look at it as a detox and a refresh if body just been for a dog walk instead if anixious I started feeling angry but it calmed the anixious feeling .. how do you stop your mind and heart rate going up