Secondary breast cancer

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I am 68 very very new to everything cancerous struggling financially petrified and start hormone therapy this coming Monday

  • Hi sorry to hear your have BC.... it is new for me too.... we have heart attacks in the family, but no one I know has cancer.  I am 69 and usually very active, this time last year was returning from back packing in the Greek islands.

    I was not given the option of Hormone therapy, apparently my receptors are not good enough, I understand little about that, so afraid I cannot help.  I have just yesterday undertaken my 3rd chemo session in a two month period - strong medication.  After my 4th in two weeks time I have to revert to three months of weekly sessions, prior to having surgery and then radiotherapy.

    I am currently living in France, where the health service is excellent, but will be returning to uK to make it easier for my family.  Financially that will be a struggle for me.... I see you are struggling financially, but I understand that there are extra allowances you can claim.....and I understand that MacMillan nurse organisation are good at pointing people in the right direction