Has anybody had the phrsgo injections

  • 3 replies
  • 499 subscribers

I'm starting paxi chemo but also going to have phrsgo injections and the side effects of that look worrying has anybody had this and what was your experience??? 

  • Hi Aea, I had docetaxel and Phesgo. I’m still having Phesgo until end of January. I had a racing heart and high temperature side effects from Phesgo. It happened within half an hour of having the first injection and I was given priton and hydrocortisone straight away and all was good. They give me some pre meds now to help with this and since then I have been fine.  It’s an injection just under the skin in your leg. They have to advise about the side effects but remember it’s very unlikely you would be affected by all. I think chemo drugs have an awful lot more side effects than Phesgo. You will be given a heart scan every 3 months to check all is ok as it can affect your heart. If this did happen there are drugs they can give you to counteract it. I don’t know if it would be permanent. So far so good on that side too. 
    They do the injection very slowly. It does sting a little just as they start. I tend to find I put my hand over the area and this helps to get rid of it, I think it’s from the heat of my hand. It only takes about 5-10 mins. The nurses are on hand and if you feel odd in any way let them know and they can get things sorted very quickly. 
    Wishing you all the best

    Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x

  • Hiya, yes I have the phesgo injections every 3 weeks at home with a home nurse now that my chemo infusions are over.  Stings a bit but only momentarily and I have never had any adverse reactions or side effects.  Will be on them till March next year, hope you manage them ok too!

  • Hi, I had 12 phesgo injections when my chemo finished and had no side effects at all. Best of luck 

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