Feeling very alone

  • 11 replies
  • 487 subscribers

I had been doing well with my diagnosis, biopsies, operation to remove the cancer but now things are beginning to unravel and I feel very sick and alone.

I am coming up to having my 3rd chemo but have had a very traumatic time so far. Reacted to both my first two chemos with something called rigours, very scary and has made me very nervous about my next chemo. I also have had an infection and developed a cough.

Today I also had a terrible time in the shower trying to wash my hair it went like a birds nest and consequently was difficult to comb and ended up losing half of it. I would appreciate any advice as to what I should use on it. What is left still feels wire like. I have a wig and I was wondering should I just shave it now as it looks quite ridiculous. My scalp also feels really itchy as well.

Thank you.

  • Hi Popsicle

    I didn't have chemo so I can't help with hair advice etc but the great thing about this forum is that people will be on here with plenty of good tips. It is one heck of a journey and I learned that things can set you back when you least expect it. I think you have been doing more than well Popsicle so keep your chin up.  Don't forget you can always ring the helpline - they're really good (talking from personal experience).

    You take care.


  • Hi Popsicle, sorry to hear you are having such a bad time. It does affect us all so differently. I can’t help on rigours but hope it is something they can treat and give some meds prior to your next chemo to help. 
    I had EC and lost a lot of my hair. My hair was down to the top of my breasts so quite long. I used to use faith in nature shampoo and would brush it prior to washing my hair. I used to try and shampoo my hair but not rub to hard to try and prevent it from tangling to much. They do a conditioner too which I used a couple of times this did help to prevent it tangling so much. Try using  a detangle brush while  having conditioner in and then when finished use it to brush hair too. Start at the bottom and work slowly up. I only washed my hair once a week.  My hair didn’t go wiry with my treatment. I didn’t shave it either but I know lots of people find they cope better after shaving it but that’s a personal decision and for me I didn’t want to shave what little I did have. I did in the end cut it short. I looked a bit like Gollum. I used wigs and beanies to hide it. 
    Wishing you all the best

    Hugs from cuffcake x x xx x

  • Hi Popsicle,  so sorry to hear your having a tough time at the.moment.   there seems to be a million possible side effects to our treatments. I hope they can get it sorted for your next round. 

    I shaved my hair after large amounts came out in the shower.  To look at it wasn't to bad but finding clumps of hair coming out stressed me out.  I thought I was going to be OK with losing my hair, and I am now.  The actual shaving of my hair was upsetting and the days after it was a physical reminder of the cancer (there's no hiding it then). But now I'm feeling great with it.  I have several hats, scarves and turbans. My wig is on order. Its so much quicker in the shower now! 

    Hope your next session is kinder to you, good luck with it.


  • Hi Popsicle sorry to hear how you are feeling.  When I was diagnosed back in August, I made a point of researching everything and anything about the cancer - including taking the normal routes as well as more natural routes.  I found the knowing gave me some expectation of what to expect.  It doesn't make me any easier, but it stops some of the worry, knowing that some of these things are what we should expect.

    I have had all the tests, but as yet no surgery - I have to undergo two months of intense chemo fortnightly; three months of lighter chemo weekly, surgery and then radiotherapy.  Like you I am to have my third chemo in about a weeks time, I am trying not to think about it too much as the second one was hard, I have spent two days sleeping/dozing in a sort of stupor.  Also my hair has started to come out, just as yours, but rather than itchy my scalp hurts when touched/brushed..... I read somewhere to use baby shampoo as it is less severe.  I hear that rashes are also fairly normal and cream with Aloe Vera can be a help.

    The infection or cough I think maybe mention to your doctor or team.  I hope you feel better soon - this is my first day really back on my feet..... when I say day, I should say half a day - even that tired me.  Go with the flow, rest your body and mind when needed.

  • fellow gollum here hugs.

    Popsicle, they may delay you if you have an infection, i am sorry you are feeling alone, however i think its normal even for people who live with significant others, especially when the hair goes. i like cuffcake just cut it really short when it started falling. dont think i can say style. just scissors and electric shaver for back as the long hair falling was too much.

    since then i just rinse my head mostly in ten shower and use occasionally scalp kindness neutrogena, and i also put jojoba oil on occasionally. my hair felt prickly during ac similar to ec but has since settled. and i have a couple of wigs, one expensivish one, for no hats and one 40ish quid one which i wear hats with as a chin length bob. generally wear caps around the house or nothing. still hard to look in mirror but it will come back hugs

  • Hi Popsicle

    So sorry to hear you feeling sick and alone, its not easy

    I have had 3 chemo sessions and found that hair was coming out in handfuls and I was leaving a trail behind me.I did have hair cut shorter when I was told I will be losing hair, it was down past my breasts  But decided to have it shaved because I was getting sstressed.I am finding that scalp is quite sensitive, but it definitely easier. 

    1. Julles
  • Thank you for the advice it is really appreciated. I feel a little better since posting on this forum.

    Last night I ordered a couple of scarfs and I am also going to call my nurse this morning.

    Hearing about other people's journeys and how they have got through it all helps.

    Thank you.

  • Thank you for your advice. I am feeling slightly better having posted on here.

    I am going to speak to my nurse and I have also purchased a few scarfs.

    I have very thick hair and don't feel like I could cope with shaving it just yet.

  • Thank you for responding to my message.

    It has helped me posting on this forum and everyone's support and advice is really appreciated.

    It is good to know you are not alone on this difficult journey.

  • Hi, I'm also coming up to my 3rd cemmo. The first one I ended up with sepsis and I was on a iv with antibiotics, after the second one I've had a chest infection and strep a., so more antibiotics, is this going to happen again after every treatment? Also I have been told not to return to work as I still have zero immunity, so I also feel very low and alone.