Can't sleep

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Well waiting for my biosopy results from calfications found on my right breast after my first manogram just wanting to know what's coming next and I can face it but am scared incase need mri scan I am petrified off them I had a couple of them put my last one I had a bad panic attack thats whats scaring me 

  • Hi I'm the same but left breast. I'm having a lumpectomy on Wednesday. I didn't have an mri. I can't sleep because my dog is ill! I'm trying very hard to remain calm and serene in front of everyone. Hope all goes well for you 

  • Hi there. I am new here but saw your “can’t sleep “ and immediately resonated with this. Lack of sleep is an absolute killer isn’t it? No hard and fast solutions but I have found a warm milky drink or bedtime tea (herbal) really soothing. A friend also lent me a diffuser with some This Works deep sleep blend and it smelt heavenly if not helped a bit. Nothing has resolved my wakefulness in the night and understandably if you’re anxious about the MRI then all the milky drinks and essential oils in the world won’t necessarily help. What I would say though is that I had one on Wednesday just gone and it really wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be (I’d had one on my knee before, knew it would be a small space so was super nervous too) Yes the tunnel bit is small and you go right in but you lie face down so you don’t actually feel that closeness. They give you earplugs and headphones to listen to radio and a panic button to squeeze if you need to stop. It actually wasn’t that uncomfortable (your boobs go into “holes” so no pressure on your chest) and they try to make sure everything is perfect comfort wise so they they don’t have to stop and start. The noise is pretty loud but it keeps it interesting wondering what noise will come next! I hope you avoid it but I hope that my experience has reassured you perhaps a tiny bit. Good luck xx

  • Good luck for Wednesday when dud you get diagnosed. I do feel positive just want to know what am dealing with .I've got brilliant family support. But I still feel a bit lost t the moment. 

  • Hi thank you fo explaining I jyst had bad experince when I had mri .I hope everything went OK with yr scan and thank you fir the tips for sleeping. Xx

  • Sorry to hear you’ve had a bad experience before. Perhaps they can offer you something to calm you first? Bach flower remedy seems to work really well for nervousness/anxiety; used to use it when I had to do presentations and things for work which I hated doing! I’m not a super whizz at all these alternative remedies btw! I have tried everything I can think of when it comes to sleep etc.

    I was talking about MRIs with an elderly neighbour too and she said they gave her something to watch on a screen. It’s always worth asking if you end up having to have one.

    best of luck; here’s hoping you escape it xx

  • Afternoon! I did eventually sleep! I got mine on 4th September. I think they knew at the biopsies as they put 3 marker clip things in. And they kept rubbing my shoulder! I thought they were being super nice. Tbf all the staff have been  phenomenal.

    Now they are telling all the staff at my school on Monday so I've got the pity party coming! I try to dodge that usually as I don't find it supportive. 

    I get what you mean about feeling a bit lost. I understand everything and feel supported but the overwhelming wave of what's going on hits me from time to time. 

    Best wishes

    • Sorry to hear that xx whst treatment u having and was it from calfications. They didn't put markers in I did hear them mention them put the lady who took the biosopy said no not yet .it the waiting fir results is the hardest part once you know u can get a plan in place .I know what you mean about the pity thing its lovely people care but u just want to get on normally till u can xxx hope all goes well for u xx
  • Hey, I know how you feel but honestly the MRI is fine, i concentrated on my breathing and meditated. You will be fine before you know it it will be over. Good luck xx

  • Hey! Yes I had 3 biopsies and titanium markers in place. So the two areas with calcifications are cancer and the 3rd one was fine. First thing on Weds I'm going to have the wires placed  in radiography and then to the ward for them to do their 'laser guided missile extratractions'. I have a special bra from M &S and front opening pyjamas. #gettingreal

  • Well goid luck please let us know how u get on xxx am waiting for results it gets real when you gets dates for things .xxxx