New diagnosis

  • 6 replies
  • 500 subscribers

Hi - new to cancer & new to Macmillan. Experience to date has been exceptional all round; it’s like being wrapped up in a warm, comforting, & truly knowledgeable community with all its diversity. Thank you.

Found the tumour on evening of Friday 13 Jan - shocked at its size as did regular checks - just how had I missed it! Called GP Monday 8:35; app by 9:25. Referral to Breast Surgery unit. 1st app Tue 24 - exam, mammogram of both breasts, ultra sound + biopsy of l. breast & axilla nodes, & bloods. Results: P5, M5, & U5 - tumour 10cm. 2 app Fri 27 - full body bone scan & CT scan upper thigh to head. 3 app Wed 8 - Breast surgery team - diagnosis: l. breast, ER+, HER2+, 10cm, grade 2 invasive lobular cancer with involved lymph nodes, no evidence of metastases. Allocated cancer nurse. Plan: 6 cycles chemo, mastectomy & axilliary node clearance, radiotherapy, and finish with hormone therapy.

The worst period was after 2 app, but once I told my daughters pressure lifted & I found my equilibrium. I started my research/reading, found:,,, breast cancer, & a number of specialist medical sites. I’m now waiting for my oncology app tomorrow Wed 22. Never thought I’d be wishing to undertake such a punishing regime, but essentially it will made the surgical step so much easier & result in better outcome & ultimately the best prognosis. 

Im feeling good, strong, & optimistic, but realise that I’m only at the start of the journey, no idea how it will go & grateful to be surrounded by so much experience & patience for those times when being me is not enough. Blush

I’ve copied & pasted from my original post in the “general” forum. 

  • Welcome to the forum and wonderful that you are full of positivity and that you have been seen so quickly and have a plan. Wishing you every success on your journey….. and yes  this forum is fantastic if you ever feel overwhelmed, want to rant or simply ask any questions or advice……. Take care!

  • Hi, you sound so very much in control - I think that's fab.  Your diagnosis is similar to mine. I blogged throughout though it's turned into a bit of a novel, but this post might be particularly useful for you before chemo.   Best of luck

    Chemo hints and tips

    Community Champion badge

  • Thx for this. Read the post. I’m seeing oncology today, so will hear if they agree & if so what regime. I was told FEC & EC-T. 
    I have some shopping to do Joy. Really loved the post. Where can I find the blog? On this site? Ana xx

  • Hi, the blog is on the blog area of this site, but click Blog page  and it will take you ti it. Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Hi - thx so much. Read through your blog. So helpful/insightful. I know we are all diff & no idea how I’ll go, but I’m a “preparer”. Was expecting to have to wait some 2-3 weeks, but a slots come up. Both oncologist & clinical team know I’m chilled about the mastectomy, but focused on keeping as many of my nodes as poss. They are on on board with this - they like the way I’m thinking; quality of life is the nodes that are important. Family & friends are all on board for rotating caring.