Triple negative 4 cm

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Anyone like me?

  • Also thank you so much for replying 

  • Hi, 

    Mine was 3.2cm, TNBC, I’m undergoing Chemo, my Oncologist is looking at positive outcome. It had shrunk to 14 mm after 2 cycles of EC Chemo. I’ve just started a second type of Chemo, am active, taking one day at a time and riding the storm as best I can. Side effects so far, very manageable. I have a lot to take in in the months ahead but will get through the other side and have a new found perspective on living!

    Take a deep breath, please don’t Google, take in facts as they present themselves, try not to worry about every scenario at once. 


  • Hi Esme,

    Your very welcome.

    My mum left her cancer for about 5 months before seeking help, her tumor was the size of a watermelon and broke out of the skin (literally!) 

    Latest CT scan showed it's about the size of a small orange! Chemo works wonders shrinking even the biggest of tumors like in my mum's case. 

    In my personal opinion, I tend to not Google the type of cancer because they are just basic statistics. We are all our own individual cases at the end of the day. There's a triple negative breast cancer group on Facebook and lots are on there 20th year cancer free. It can be done. And what I read is that triple negative tends to be more agressive at the start of diagnosis hence the dangerous outlook it gets, but once you get the all clear it's got less chance of returning once you hit the five year mark in comparison with more common breast cancers. It has its positives I suppose!

    Lots of love, stay positive and take care x

  • Thank you so much for replying x

    so glad to hear that you are responding well to treatment.

    I didn’t google - accidentally clicked on a link:(

    can I ask if your cancer had spread?

  • I hope it has not spread- if it hasn’t then your chances are not as bad as you are fearing. I don’t know why they are assuming it has spread if they have no clinical evidence yet.  keep hope. Large tumours are often successfully treated.

    I am 39 with children aged 7 and 9. I have four involved lymph nodes and grade 3 hormone positive. My five year outlook is decent….not so much getting towards ten…but treatments are advancing all the time and not all of the available treatments are covered on the predict website so it is always best to ask the oncologist if you want to know. 

    let us know how you get on with scans. I’d say try to distract yourself whilst waiting for scan results but all I ever did was google incessantly; it doesn’t help, I can tell you that. So if you can force yourself out for walks, meet up with friends etc then do that. 


  • Hi, 

    I had CT and MRI which indicated not node involvement which is fantastic, I’ve not had bone scan. I still fear that something somewhere has been missed and fear each new twinge or ache but I am in active treatment so any stray cells will be hunted down. For now I am looking at the positive until I know otherwise. 

    I believe at stage 4 there is still positive long term outcomes to manage living with Cancer. Please don’t  sign yourself off just yet.

    I have 2 daughters in their 20’s, I am not ready to resign myself to Dr Dooms predictions just yet! 


  • Who told you that? Has it spread? Even with 16 nodes (as an example) it's several times that at 5 years if it hasn't spread. If it's in your bones that's the most treatable place.  There are women here who are stage 4 and were diagnosed years ago, and treatments are rapidly improving.  X

    “Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet.  Stephen Hawking,
  • Thank you so much- I phoned the Samaritans tonight I was in such despair 

    I too have two daughters in their twenties I hate  bringing this on them

  • Cancer is grade 3 another reason for poor outcome

    Going to collapse before the scan results I think