5 day radiotherapy

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Had lumpectomy and 4 lymph nodes removed in January. Now starting radiotherapy on 31st March. Have been to,d that due to Covid and not wanting to have you in hospital 15 times I will be getting the 5 days of radiotherapy rather than the 15. Am a little worried by this as it is higher doses although apparently the amount given in total by the end of treatment is slightly less than having the 15 days. The consultant that rang me was talking as if I will have side effects, hot sore skin which may or may not need dressings as it may break out and also tiredness. That the side effects would peak two weeks after treatment completed and hopefully have subsided around 6 weeks post treatment.

Anyone else had experience of the 5 day treatment?

  • I had the 5 day radiotherapy in August, the 26GY course. Like you I was worried about the side effects. I have fair skin and was worried about pain and blistering. But had none of that. The hospital gave me creams to use (Zerobase twice a day and a steroid cream once a day at teatime). I plastered the Zerobase on - very messy but worked a treat. No soreness, no peeling or blisters, some discolouration but that about it. I had fatigue symptoms but not until about 4 -6 weeks after the rads finished. Lasted about a month or so. I think the consultant has to advise against all potential side effects before you sign the agreement to go ahead. Hope it goes well.

  • Thanks for replying Beth. I'm glad to hear that your side effects have been manageable so far. Has the discolouration faded? Have you had any hardening or shrinking of the breast tissue? Although I'm worried about the short term side effects I'm probably more worried about the more serious side effects that some people experience and the side effects that might emerge years down the line. The radiologist that I met with last week was very kind and answered (as best she could) the long list of questions I had. No pressure. I'm back at the hospital on Tuesday to give her my decision on whether I have radiotherapy or no further treatment. I've read a lot papers online in an attempt to get answers to my concerns but haven't yet found anything that focuses on long term side effects. I'm glad to be on this forum and read the experiences of women who have had the treatment. 

  • I’m so interested to know whether you decide to go ahead with the raidotherapy. Did you have a lumpectomy and lymph nodes removed? If so, were they clear? 
    im due to have my lumpectomy and lymph nodes removed in a few days… 

    it’s so difficult to make these massive decisions when you’re feeling so emotional. 

  • I had lumpectomy they took 2 nodes one was found to have cancer so had to go back and have clearance, just finished 5 day radiotherapy Tbh I will take anything offered if it helps to prevent this thing coming back. 

    Still Trying  to get my medication right had 2 different hormone tablets, see oncologist on Wednesday to try a different one hopefully it will agree with me.

    Make the choices that you, good luck with all your treatments x

  • Thanks for responding and for your kind words. I wish the same for you. 
    I hate the thought of taking a tablet that will make me feels so poorly. I hope you manage to find one that suits you better x 

  • Yes it has faded but not completely gone. I had a mastectomy and still have some swelling over the scar. The long term effects do sound worrying but seem to be low percentages. Radiotherapy was recommended so I accepted. I think my travel insurance company may have refused cover if I hadn’t as one of their questions was did I refuse any treatment?

    1. Hi   Finished my 5 day course of radiotherapy 5 weeks ago on my right breast , each session took about 15 mins once they have you positioned , didn’t feel anything wasn’t tired at all but did get slight radiation rash which I had to dress every day with cream and dressing just to stop me scratching breaking the skin iit cleared really quickly and no scaring.they say the course keeps working on your breast for 2 weeks , I’m totally fine now and don’t feel any different .. the nurses are great snd put you right at peace if your worried about anything just ask them ., I’m sure you will be fine ..best wishes ..Stig 
  • Hello again. I'm still deliberating over whether or not to have the course of radiotherapy. My cancer was spotted when I took part in a clinical trial (BRAID) for women with dense breast tissue. I'd had a mammogram a couple of months previous to taking part, and this had shown no evidence of cancer. During the trial I had a dye (a contrast) injected into my bloodstream before having another mammogram. The results showed that I had a small (11mm) tumour. An ultrasound showed that there were no cancerous cells in the lymph nodes. I few weeks later (October 10th)  I had a lumpectomy, a sentinel lymph node biopsy and breast refashioning. Although I was a bit sore at first, as the weeks have passed my range of movement is pretty much back to normal and the scars are healing nicely. I've been vigilant in doing the exercises and moisturising. When the tumour was analysed in the lab it was found to be a HR+ non specific cancer with no vascular invasion. There was no cancer cells detected in the margin or the lymph nodes. When I went to the hospital last week the radiologist said that I could go for the hormone blockers or the radiotherapy, I'd read about the hormone blockers and decided that this wasn't for me. I was (and still am) on the fence with the radiotherapy, though I feel more informed through being given info/having questions answered by the radiologist. I asked what would happen if I didn't agree to either treatment. She said that a discussion would be had with colleagues and a plan would be made going forward. She said that this might involve more frequent appointments, but couldn't say for sure. The radiotherapy would be given over a 5 day period. It would be targeted rather than whole breast and would be low dose (26gy in total) delivered over about 20 seconds each session. A concern that I have is that the tumour site is in my left breast close to my torso.which means the radiation would be targeted close to my heart and lungs. Despite assurance being given about the low incidence of heart problems or other cancers further down the line as a result of radiotherapy, I find it pretty scary. I make another post after I've made the decision. Take care of yourselves everyone.

  • Hi Boobydo, I had radiotherapy over the whole breast across to my sternum. I had 48gy, as I had boost included for all 15sessions. My breast is discoloured still although it has faded but my ribs and collarbone are still tender. I understand these are side effects and hopefully will disappear over time. My breast has become a little harder but not all over and luckily it has shrunk a bit and now matches my other breast more. Mine was on my left side so I had to do the breath hold technique which was simple. This was to help protect my heart. They are able to adapt things if this is not something you can manage. The advantage of having the radiotherapy is it will target where the tumour was and the surrounding area which would hopefully kill off any tiny cancer cells that may have broken away from the original tumour. 
    I also am on tamoxifen for 5 years to help prevent reoccurrence. I’m will to do the treatment offered to give myself the best possible chance of preventing it coming back again. Whilst I know this is not a guarantee at least I know I have given everything a go. Yes I’m concerned about the long term side effects but I’m sure they wouldn’t do this treatment if it were to affect more people than what it does. We are all so different and we all react to these things differently too. Some are unlucky and react and suffer more than others and it’s normally this that we hear about rather than all the positive stories. 
    Wishing you all the best in whatever you decide is right for you. 
    Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x

  • Hi Boobydo happy to say that I didn’t really have any side effects. My treatment was over Easter weekend so I had 2 sessions then 4 days off then the last 3. I had the 3rd session at 530pm on the Tuesday then the 4th at 915am  the following day so had a bit of redness on day 5 for which I was given Flamagel (burns cream) which settled it within hours. 
    Ither than that minor issue nothing else really.

    Hope yours goes well xx