5 day radiotherapy

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  • 489 subscribers

Had lumpectomy and 4 lymph nodes removed in January. Now starting radiotherapy on 31st March. Have been to,d that due to Covid and not wanting to have you in hospital 15 times I will be getting the 5 days of radiotherapy rather than the 15. Am a little worried by this as it is higher doses although apparently the amount given in total by the end of treatment is slightly less than having the 15 days. The consultant that rang me was talking as if I will have side effects, hot sore skin which may or may not need dressings as it may break out and also tiredness. That the side effects would peak two weeks after treatment completed and hopefully have subsided around 6 weeks post treatment.

Anyone else had experience of the 5 day treatment?

  • Hello , Yes , I had 5 days fast forward at the end of June last year.This is now the gold standard treatment and had already been tested over several years (I think at least 5 years)before I had mine. I had.  no major side effects  and certainly much easier to cope with than the 25 treatments I had on the other breast 22 years ago ! Because of my previous treatments I followed all the instructions to the letter and took life easy for a few weeks. My skin did become warm to the touch but not sore- I had Epiderm cream supplied to apply 4 times a day (my unit supplied this but some units suggest different creams to moisturise with!) I had no break down of the skin and therefore no need of dressings. I was advised to drink lots of fluids both in the week of the treatments and afterwards.My skin did go pink but not as bad as sunburn ! I hope this has reassured you but of course we are all individuals and react individually. If you have not been given a booklet on radiotherapy ,if you contact Macmillan they will discuss the 5 Day Fast Forward treatment with you and send you appropiate booklets/information.Your BCN should also be able to talk you through the radiotherapy treatment and give you tips and more information. Sending you hugs in the meantime xxKwissy

  • Hi again @ Mammymo, the Institute of Cancer Research published an article on 28 th April 2020. If you put “One week course of Radiotherapy” in your search engine it should come up for you . It explains it in language I could understand xx

  • Hi  I’m on day 4 of 5 days total breast radiotherapy which will be followed by 5 days radiotherapy targeted at the tumour bed.  I also have biological injections (Tremfya) for psoriasis, so was and have been worried about skin reaction. So far though, so good. Swelling, tenderness pinking and slight itchiness of skin, but so far nothing else. My fractions are 18 minutes instead of 12 which I had expected. I was warned of possible side effects such as ‘sunburn’ and blistering of skin, but nothing. Tiredness for sure, but I’m also on prescription meds for frozen shoulder pain management to see me through radiotherapy. Worth sharing that I have a telephone review on Monday and also at end of radiotherapy - so they can assess how you’re feeling and responding to treatment. Every journey is different and hope my experience and insights have helped ease your mind. Best of luck x

  • Thanks again Kwissy for the reassurance, I guess Ill just have to play it by ear. Ive bought Aveena lotion and cream in readiness and will make sure I’m well hydrated. Pleased to know the 5 day treatment has been around for a while. My BCN wasn’t sure which length treatment  would have. Thanks too for the link from the Institute of Cancer research, you’re a star!

  • Thank you Spring tulip for the info. I’ll make sure to get plenty of rest. My treatments fall over Easter weekend so I’ve two then a four day break then the other three,

  • I agree with the others. I had my 5 days on the week of 8th Feb. Did everything I was supposed to but ended up with a break down under my arm where my bra would come round. Make sure when you cream you slap it on as far round as you can reach. I used Aveeno but had to use the dressings for a week when I went back to work to stop it rubbing.

    It is now completely healed if not a little tender. I am so glad that I didn't have to undergo the daily treatments needed before this new gold standard.

    Good luck Debs x

  • Thanks Deb. Will do that. Did you just have the radiotherapy on the breast or lymph as well?

  • Hi Mammymo, I am trying to decide whether or not to have have the targeted 5 day radiotherapy. I see that it's over 3 years since you had it. What side effects have you experienced, both early and late?

  • I have just finished 5 days last Friday felling a bit sore and achey but so far not to bad xxx

  • Thanks for your response shazcarmon. Do you know whether you had the 26GY dose? That;s what I've been offered