Dimple in my left breast

  • 30 replies
  • 314 subscribers


This is my first post and i'm after a bit of advice please.

Last August I was diagnosed with breast cancer (in the left breast) after a routine mammogram.  I had a lumpectomy followed by 6 cycles of Chemo 3 x FEC and 3 x Taxotere. Then I had the 15 blasts of radiotherapy.  All the treatment finishing at the end of February.

Over the last week i've noticed a dimple in my breast, as I look down at my breast it is slightly to the right of my left nipple. It's not very deep and about a cm in diameter, it just looks different. I've also noticed the left nipple is inverted.

Has anybody else experienced anything similar to this as it's beginning to play on my mind.  Any advice and suggestions gratefully received.



  • FormerMember

    Go get it checked, no question. Contact the breast nurse and get an appointment, why worry when you can sort it by a phone call.

    PLEASE do it tomorrow


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I think i'll give them a ring in the morning. Chances are they won't see me until next week but at least it would put my mind at rest.

    I just worry that i'm over worrying about stuff, if you know what I mean.

    Thanks for the advice though


  • FormerMember

    Evening Julia,

    Yes, do phone your breast care nurse or GP, get referred and have it checked - It may be post surgery scar tissue forming and altering the internal structure but you do have to get this examined properly.

    I don't want to alarm you, but the only symptom my wife had with her original diagnosis was a very slightly inverted nipple also in the left breast. Do get back to us with hopefully some good news.

    Good luck, G n' J

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Firstly thank you for your messages.

    I rang and left a message for the Breast Care Nurse on Thursday evening and I was hoping for a call back on Friday but she did not ring so maybe it will be Monday.

    I got a call from my GP, about another matter, so I mentioned it to him and he asked me to come to the surgery that afternoon so he could check it out.

    When he saw it I don't think he knew what it was, he tried to ring my surgeon's secretary to arrange an appointment for me to see him however they had left for the day. He is referring me back to the hospital under the 2 week rule however he said to keep on at the Breast Nurse and hopefully will get to be seen a lot quicker.  

    The dimple is still there and he said the skin around it was like orange peel!! and looks a little red and the breast  tissue felt inflammed. 

    It's such a worry to have only finished my treatment just over 3 months ago and now this but I hope to get it looked at very soon.

    I will keep you informed when I get an update.

    Julia x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Julia,

    Do keep the pressure on to be seen as soon as possible. I don't particularly like the sound of your symptoms :-/

    What type of BC was your original diagnosis ?  The skin appearance could be a late side effect of the Radiotherapy but worryingly  what you are describing is also similar to how Inflammatory BC appears to look. Do keep a close eye on it during the waiting to be seen period.

    I'm not medically trained an am only going by what I have read here so please take this with a pinch of salt until you get some tests carried out and proper answers. I certainly don't want to worry you more than you already are but don't be fobbed off as it is wasting time and adding days to you finding out for sure.

    Fingers crossed for you, G n' J

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks Dreamthief.

    My original diagnosis was from a routine mammogram, I had 2 lumps which were grade 3. Apart from that I really couldn't give any more info. The doctor did say about a reaction to the radiotherapy however that finished the end of February and I saw the radiologist about 10 days ago and he didn't pick up any problems.

    Do you know what the difference is between normal BC and Inflammatory BC?  I'm trying to stay positive but it is a big worry.

    I'm going to leave another message on the answer phone and hope she rings me on Monday.

    Take care and thanks again


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Julia,

    I agree with George, do keep up the pressure with this. I had a WLE, 4 LNs removed ( November 2013), then had Rads ( Jan- Feven 2014). I developed Cellulitis where the operation took place : heat, pinkness, pain and swelling. I was put on various anti biotics which helped, and then developed Lymphoedema in the breast. The skin was described as orange peel too by the Oncologist. He stated that I had Oedema in the op area, and that it  would eventually ( I'm still waiting) settle. Judith xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    The Cellulitis mentioned by Judith is a very good candidate for the reason behind these symptoms - Thanks JMP.

    Cellulitis can get quite bad really quickly and can occur anytime after surgery (even years) especially if you have had any lymph nodes removed.

    A spreading rash that is warm and tender indicates cellulitis, a serious bacterial infection of the skin and underlying tissue. Cellulitis requires immediate medical attention and treatment with antibiotics.

    This BCC booklet explains the symptoms of Inflammatory BC but don't read too much into it as hopefully this is Cellulitis and although still nasty is the better option.

    If you type cellulitis into the breast group search bar it will list all the posts about it so you can check out those symptoms too.

    G n' J

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    This Cellulitis sound a nasty but less worrying option that IBC. Can I just ask can the dimpling/orange peel effect on the skin happen on the opposite side of the breast from the Lumpectomy scar?

    I do have some broad spectrum anti-biotics (Amoxicillin) in the house and i'm wondering if I should take them in case it is Cellulitus and it will give me a head start before I get to see the surgeon.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    If it is on the opposite side you can probably rule out a radiotherapy side effect on the skin as it is targeted to a specific area. An infection although mostly confined to the site of the infection (cut, scratch, insect bite/sting etc) if bacterial can 'travel' and pop up anywhere it settles but I'm uncertain if it could get from one breast to the other.

    As for the amoxicillin - it's a catch 22 situation it would be great if they would help, but I don't know if that is the correct anti-biotic they would use for cellulitis (if that is what it is) ?

    It's a bummer these things always seem to crop up at weekends, but have you got access to an 'out of hours' GP who could give you some guidance ?

    Sorry to give a sort of non answer, there isn't even any Macmillan nurses on the support line at weekends to help either :-(

    G n' J