Wanting a mastectomy due to reduce risk of cancer but may be declined

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Both my mum and sister have had bilateral breast cancer. My mum was 49 when she was first diagnosed and 54 in the second breath. My sister was 53 when she was diagnosed in October with breast cancer. Both were diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma ER/PR positive HER-2 negative. My sisters was grade 3 on diagnosis and they said is was aggressive. She has had a mastectomy and is having hormonal treatment. I am 51 and have had mammograms since I was 40 and they have now extended this to 60 due to my sisters diagnosis. I have requested a double mastectomy as I am so concerned.

My mums and sisters cancer did not show up on mammograms and my sister was diagnosed 1 month after hers. To complicate things, I am on HRT due to having a hysterectomy and the dose has gone down from a 150 patch to a 50 patch and I am really struggling with my asthma (this is severe and I am on several meds), bladder weakness and fatigue (I have hypothyroidism which doesn’t help). My other menopause symptoms are getting worse as well. The breast care nurses said I can stay on HRT as it will only increase my risk slightly but I am already at high risk. She is going to arrange an appointment with one of their consultants. I am seeing my menopause specialist next week. 

I spoke to the breast nurse today and she said it is unlikely I will be offered surgery. I am going to have genetics testing done but my sister was negative for the BRCA gene and if I am negative they won’t offer surgery. 

I am so worried about not having surgery and what this may mean for my future and the constant worry. Has anyone else been in this position? I am having counselling at the moment. 

  • Hi Sarah. Have you talked to your GP? I think the guidelines for high risk include  more than 2 close family BC with no general, but I'm not 100%. I paid privately for genetic testing as the NHS wait was so long, and had my preventative dmx last month. Sending positive vibes to you, lovely xx

  • Hi, I am trying to find somewhere to do the genetics privately at the moment. I checked NICE and I have found other trusts in the UK that do it so I will take all this to the appointment with the consultant. The nurse said I am classed as 2 but high risk as they both had bilateral. My risk also increases due to starting my periods at 10 and having no children. I am going to speak to my respiratory consultant tomorrow to see if I can get his support and my menopause specialist. How were you after the op? Did your genetics come back positive? Thank you for replying. 

  • Hi. Yes, I'm BRCA 2. I did mine through Randox, and the results were accepted by the NHS with no issues. I've not got children either. Recovery has been ok. Discomfort in the early weeks, especially with drains in, and now 7 weeks post op I'm still having nerve pain (a bad day today) and have a seroma, still more tired than normal, but I'm back at work tomorrow on a phased return as my job is pretty demanding. For waiting list context, I was priority referred Feb 24, received an appointment for a pre test consultation for December 24! Had my private test July, results August, surgeon appointment November. I'm Coventry and Warwickshire PCT. 

  • I will have a look at Randox, thank you. I am hoping I can have a good talk with the consultant if my genetics is negative about my concerns. My sister had a mammogram and a month later she found a lump and was diagnosed with stage 3 aggressive cancer. She has had treatment and is okay now but it was scary. I have large breasts so I am worried I will miss something. Good luck with the return to work. I am Nottingham. 

  • Sorry to hear all your concerns. I didn't have any family link when my ER+ & HER2+ were diagnosed in right breast, but wanted mastectomy Dec 2021. I always do my research and felt this was best option.  Surgeon said no as I had large boobs 40G, had lumpectomy and radiotherapy no nodes involved. In Jun 2023 I found another lymp right on the margin of the previous tumour, was told was scar tissue. I'd had mammogram in Dec 2022 which showed nothing. Fast forward Jan 2024 diagnosed with stage 4 metatastic breast cancer which had spread  causing malignant plural effusion (fluid on lung) on left side and cancer nodules under the skin of original breast. If I could go back I certainly would push for mastectomy.  If you go back years ago only option was mastectomy and i know many of these woman who had no further problems, but that's just my personal opinion. Check things out, talk with doctors and push for whatever you decide is best for you. Xx