Kadcyla side effects

  • 10 replies
  • 305 subscribers

Hi all,

Well I have just had my appointment come through for first round of Kadcyla. Anyone out there that can give me a clue as to how bad the side effects are? I had a terrible time with Docetaxcyl hoping it's not going to be like that. 

Thanks for reading.

  • Hi Real Redhead,

    Daughter has just come to the end of 14 cycles of kadcyla. Neuropathy was a real problem, kept bearable with gabapentin. Some nausea but nothing like as bad as with EC. Daughter also had vision disturbance and very sore eyes, this is a known but very rare side effect. Tiredness increased as the cycles went on. But she managed to work most of the time, with a couple of days off after each session.

    The chemo itself is quick and easy. After the first session, she was able to have the infusion in half an hour and that was it.

    Daughter would say kadcyla is not the breeze oncologists will tell you it is, but it's doable. She got through it and you will too.

    Very best of luck with your treatment - you'll get there. x

  • Hi,

    I haven't got answers for you but I'm jumping on your post as I'm looking for experience of Kadcyla myself.

    I was due to have my first of 14 Kadcyla today but unfortunately my neutrophils were too low, so it's postponed until next Friday.

      I had 6 cycles of TCPH and had a really bad time with sickness and other side effects. I'm really hoping Kadcyla will be better and I can get some quality of life back.

      Fingers crossed we both do OK on it! 

  • Morning Brighteyesw,

    Thank you for your message, let's hope together that it's not as bad as the last lot. I too just want to get back to as normal a life as possible. Will post after first treatment. Stay strong. X 

  • Cherry2,

    Bless you thank you for the information. I will make sure I am aware of what to expect. so long as I can still get to work and live as normal as possible I think I can cope. Can't be as bad as Docetacxyl lol. 

    All my love to you and your daughter. 


  • I hope it will not be as bad as you fear.  It is over a year since I finished 14 rounds of Kadcyla and I had no noticeable side effects at all.  So different from docetaxil and Carboplatin.  Wishing you all the best. X

  • Hi Real redhead,

     Have you had your first Kadcyla yet? 

    My neutrophils have been too low to start twice now! Third time lucky (hopefully) Monday.

     I just want to get started so I know what I'm dealing with.


  • morning brighteyesw,

    not yet it has been rescheduled for 27th (my grand daughters birthday) so hopefully will feel ok on saturday for her birthday bbq.

    hope you get started on monday. x

  • Fingers crossed we're alright Fingers crossed

    I'll let you know how I get on x

  • morning brighteyesw,

    thinking about you today my lovely, sending positive thoughts. X

  • Ahh, thankyou. 

    All went well. A lot quicker than the TCPH, as it only one infusion.

    It was still about four hours but, i am having the cold cap (as i managed to keep a lot of hair using it for the TCPH. Only 10% lose hair with Kadcyla but I'm not going to risk it after the hours of cold cap ive been through) so that adds a couple of hours.

    feel completely normal at the moment.

     Fingers crossed for the next few days. I'll let you know how I get on x