Advice on side effects Docetaxel and Phesgo

  • 3 replies
  • 301 subscribers


I was diagnosed in Jan with breast cancer and had my first chemo to start shrinking the tumour last Tues. Docetaxel and Phesgo.

I'm stunned by how quickly I have lost my energy, I have a physical job and am feeling a total lightweight as I cannot even get up and down the stairs at home easily, i felt fine Weds and Thurs but from Friday I've been a wet lettuce!!! 

I know they say we are all different but I wasn't expecting such a swift decline, I'm beating myself up telling myself I'm being a wimp as you hear of these superpeople who continue working and exercising, am I missing something that could help or can I expect days 3-7 to be like this? 

Treatment is every 3 weeks, reduce before surgery. 


  • Hello,

    I was on EC which I think is kinda the same - I had mine on a Wednesday. Was okay until about the Sunday (just about) and then spent about 5 days in bed with bone pain and fatigue.

    After that, it was like I wasn’t on any treatment at all but I had to remember to be careful and that immune system would be low. 

    Good luck - you will find a way through this that suits you xx 

  • Thanks for this feedback, I just feel I'm being a wimp already!!! Good luck and all the very best in the coming months x 

  • Hi BevF

    I was on Docetaxel and found exactly the same, days 3-7 are hard going (and i think most others would say this too), I was extremely tired, joints aching and nauseous. Please do listen to your body and rest you are certainly not being a wimp!! after day 7 I started to feel normal again and this was pretty much the same for all 6 rounds.

    Best of luck.
