Grade 3 breast cancer with a 6 month old baby - am i alone?

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  • 306 subscribers

I found my lump when my baby turned 4 month old, he has just turned 6 month old and been told i have a grade 3 and starting chemo on tuesday. Any others out there with young babies? Or has anyone got any experiences to share? Really apprehensive that I’m not going to be able to look after him during treatment and we live too far from family to get help from them. Any ones messages are welcomed. 

  • Hi  , sorry you find yourself here, particularly with such a young baby. I’m much older and my children are grown up but I wanted to pop in to welcome you and also my reply will bump your thread back up to the top. Hopefully then someone in a similar situation will see it and respond. 
    I think but am not certain that Breast cancer now do a buddying scheme where they put you in touch with someone similar. Worth a look. Also I go to sessions at Future Dreams House in London and I think they have sessions for younger folk where you might find someone in your situation. It’s a lovely place for support regardless of age, and they do online stuff as well as in person, if you’re nowhere near and obviously tricky getting anywhere with a 6 month old baby. Sending love and a big virtual hug your way, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • And the helpline here at MacMillan worth a ring too for support suggestions xxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Hi Tink, 

    Im so sorry you are in this position. There is a charity that has been set up specifically for women who are pregnant or have young children and develop cancer. I can’t quite remember the name, it’s something like mummy stars. Stars is definitely in its name. I’m sure if you google you would find their details. Take care x

  • Just had a look - will try to post a link, otherwise search for Breast cancer now someone like me - and it will come up . Nope can’t post link but do have a look xxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Hi, im in the same boat, diagnosed with grade 3 tripple negative. My baby is now 10 months and i am starting chemo and immunotherapy tomorrow. I also have a 5 year old. Im having carboplatin every 3 week, paclitaxel weekly along with pembrolizumab every 3 weeks for the next 12 weeks. Then EC every 3 weeks. 

    Im also giving the cold cap a go. I too am worries how i will cope with the babies. 

    How did you find your first treatment? 

  • I was diagnosed last year when I was pregnant. Did surgery and chemo before and after birth. It was tough but manageable. Also have a 3 year old and my baby is now 6 months. I alos don’t have family locally but they did come and stay with us when I had my surgery and during my radiotherapy. 

  • Hi  , you’re definitely not alone! and I’m sorry to hear you’re going through this.

    I’m in exactly the same boat, I have a 7 month daughter who is my first born and I was diagnosed with grade 3 breast cancer when she turned 4 months. I was told it was PABC (pregnancy associated breast cancer) linked to hormones.

    I’ve since had surgery and now in the process of 6 rounds of chemotherapy (EC & Docetaxel) which begun yesterday. Not feeling the best today as I’m feeling nauseous, fragile and I’ve developed gastric cramps, not sure if this is normal? Hence why I came on here to gain knowledge of other people’s experience and I came across your post.I have no family where I am apart from my hubby and daughter. My mum kindly came to stay for the first cycle but I’m dreading the rest as I’ve read they only get worse!

    Sending love and positive vibes, it’s great to know there is this forum. Also, I was advised of a charity called Victoria’s Promise who I have been referred to, they do all kinds of support for mum’s with cancer xx

  • Hi my daughter baby was just 11 months old when she was diagnosed she found a lump when breastfeeding. She found it hard not to have the energy to  be thrvfullmon mum she wanted to be when she was laid out feeling sick after chemo then could not pick her baby and four year old up after surgery but after a year of treatment radiotherapy and surgery she got the all clear

    accept any help offered and I really wish u all the best.