Follow up appointments

  • 4 replies
  • 309 subscribers

Hi everyone 

I have just been looking at posts regarding hormone treatments and was interested to see that many of you, post surgery, chemo , radiotherapy and targeted therapies have yearly oncology appointments when carrying on with your hormone treatments, also having regular blood and other tests with these. I had my hormone treatment changed from anastrazole to exemestane after a mastectomy for a local recurrence and was told I wouldn't require any further oncology appointments but I see that many of you are having yearly follow ups? I don't have any regular cholesterol tests unless I ask the GP , I already have high cholesterol, and have never been given a bone density test. Should I be querying this or is it a regional thing?

Thank you.

Love and Hugs to you all and very best wishes with ongoing treatments.

  • Hi WMK

    I suggest that you get onto your breast care nurse and query why you haven't had a bone density test.  I started on anastrazole last year and I had a bone density test before I started on it.

    Best wishes


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  • Hi WMK

    I had an oncology appointment follow-up about six months after starting on letrozole.  He said he didn't need to see me again, so off I went.  I believe the breast cancer nurse team will give me a telephone follow-up at 3 years to see how I'm doing, and then at 5 years to see if I need to continue hormone treatment.  So I think it's all different depending on where you are  Certainly nothing yearly with oncology.  I have had a bone density scan prior to starting hormone therapy though.  No mention of cholesterol checks.  I'll be chasing this up with my GP.  Would be nice if we didn't have to push ourselves for these things but I think it's just the way it is.  Probably doesn't help you, but just wanted to say it's not just you.  Hope you get a scan sorted x

  • Thank you Daisy53.

    I will contact my breast care nurse and ask her about it.

    Take care

  • Thank you for your reply Lullabelle.

    I'll contact my breast care nurse and query the bone density scan. The cancer care is spread over 2 hospital sites and there have been a couple of issues Slight smile

    Take care