Reaction after surgery

  • 4 replies
  • 301 subscribers

Hello all!

I’ve just had my fourth excision to remove a margin for DCIS- MI. I am really struggling with some sort of allergy/reaction following this surgery. Intense itching and red and tender. A couple of doctors have checked and  no infection it seems. However, and maybe understandably, there is very little interest in the cause of this allergy: maybe plaster/wound dressing:maybe the fact I’ve had so many excisions. No one knows and it feels like no one cares. Yet it’s having a real impact on my quality of life. Any ideas on how I should approach this with my docs?

  • Hi   So sorry to hear about the 4th op and reaction. I had this after my first op - it was the main dressings for me - and I had itching and red bumps some of which scabbed over in the end.  The dressings were removed after a week and then I healed - I took antihistamine too I think. 
    can you ask to have the dressings changed? I would definitely speak to the bcn and ask - we are all dealing with enough without these extra challenges. Hope you can get it sorted. Xx

  • Thanks Bobof, appreciate your reply. Glad to know I’m not alone with this. I think it is the dressings I’m allergic to too, but hard to know for sure. Have had dressing changed, which helped, but still itchy and sore. Yes, shall discuss with BCN. Good idea.

  • I had this after my lumpectomy . It was the Mepore dressings . I took antihistamine and had hydrocortisone cream . The one the go prescribed was over the counter but I got a stronger one from dermatologist. Contact your BCN . 

  • Thank you old, v helpful.