Severe shoulder pain

  • 5 replies
  • 301 subscribers

Hi, has anyone experienced severe shoulder pain in the opposite side to their cancer treatment? 
i finished radiotherapy on Wednesday (right side). I had been experiencing some pain in my left shoulder at night for a few nights then Thursday night woke up in excruciating pain to the point I almost passed out. I had naproxen and codeine prescribed over the phone by my GP but they are only taking the edge off. Am not sure if this is an unlucky coincidence (never had anything like it before) or if this is a ‘thing’ related to cancer or treatment. Thanks. 

  • Hello, I don’t know if this is relevant, but I had to go for a nuclear full body scan two days after finishing radiotherapy. I had to lie horizontal, and lift my arms above my head, and stay like that for about an hour. After it finished, I had the most awful pain in my shoulders. It did eventually subside. Do you think that you might have laid awkwardly during radiotherapy, and triggered some nerve or ligament pain? Sorry if this is of no help. X 

  • Hi  Thanks so much for your reply. Yes, I wondered about this - plus have probably been compensating a little throughout on that side. The pain is constant and intense and then there’s some panic that it is something more sinister… really appreciate your reply - makes me hopeful is not serious and will resolve. Hope you are doing ok X

  • Hi  ,

    in the past I’ve had an impingement in my shoulder, actually on the affected side, many years before. But that made me very aware of the need to take care of both shoulders during the 3 weeks of radiotherapy. 

    I think the planning appointment was quite tough on both shoulder joints, it took so much longer than the treatment sessions with arms way into an elevated position. Perhaps your other shoulder found that tough? Try doing the shoulder exercises very gently on that side, too. If still excruciating, then ask if you can see a physio when you next see or talk to your BCN. Many cancer units have an experienced physio attached to them. 

    Please don’t feel you have to suffer in silence! And I hope it eases off very soon.

    hugs xxx


  • Thank you  , I appreciate your advice. I think you are right that it is related to the position in radiotherapy. Plus I was very tense during the sessions as I had a terrible flight response and had to control myself not to run from the bed. I didn’t realise I could ask to see a physio - will call on Monday and see. 
    Really appreciate your response - hope you are doing ok Xx

  • Aha, I suspect you may have answered your question? While in radiotherapy and being ultra-tense? I would suspect that’s possibly part of the reason, anyway? 

    Hope you can get physio help….

    hugs xxx
