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Hello.  I had a lumpectomy of a very small tumour on 16th Jan with 4 lymphs removed and I am now all clear.  I see the oncologist tomorrow - as I'm 81 I hope to avoid any further treatment.  I'm writing because I had a large seroma drained this morning and the experience of this horrible painful lump has knocked my optimism for six. Also I think I still had numb bits of my armpit and arm and breast which are now painful. I am wearing a tight bra night and day - I took a day off with a looser bra last week and I may have caused the seroma to form then.  I wasn't really worried about the operation before but I am worried about recovery.  I was going to take myself out for a coffee tomorrow morning as my husband will be out, but I suppose, 2 weeks in, I shouldn't drive?  The arm exercises which I found easy on 17th now hurt my armpit. I've had no exercise for weeks.  Here I am now ranting!!  I apologise. I suppose I'd like somebody to tell me their seroma disappeared quickly - I've seen a USA site where people are almost vying with each other about how many times they've refilled.  That's enough moaning from me. Time to set up my pillows, take my pills and try and sleep .....

  • Hi  , hopefully you have already now seen your oncologist and had some reassurance? Just thought I’d reply to send a hug and bump your post up again. Many people here have posted about seromas and they do seem to resolve but can take time. I didn’t have one but did have a rather huge and unsightly haematoma. The breast nurses kept an eye on it and luckily I escaped it having to be drained. It was slow to resolve but did eventually just get reabsorbed. Re driving, everyone is different so it’s hard to generalise. I didn’t feel ready to drive until 4 weeks after my op, it was one long incision down the side of my breast for evicting the lump and sampling the sentinel nodes. Much bigger than I’d expected! But healed fine in the end. Love and hugs, HFxx 

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Hello, I’ve also had a lumpectomy recently but no seroma…just wanted to reply to say you’ve been super brave - your optimism will of course have been knocked, we have been through so much! It is normal to feel every kind of feeling during this whole experience. I am still unable to drive but know that I will in time. Trying to rest, rest and rest is frustrating but my mantra is ‘invest now, save later’. Hope you’re feeling better very soon x

  • Thank you so much - and 

    0 Points Top 1%
    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
     .  If I have a mantra it's ' be brave. One day at a time'.  I've just vomited - I think overeating fish pie (or exerting myself to make fish pie) but at least I have no choice really but to have a break from the bra. Had there been no seroma I could have dispensed with the damn thing by now! On another subject -   I wonder if a burning sensation down my underarm is normal too.

    Oncologist wants me for 5x radiation when I'm seroma free etc and then 5 years endocrine therapy - is it Letrazole?  As I'm on HRT it's a bit worst nightmare!  Thanks again.  A picture here if shoes. Can't get rid of!  It's covering my thanks to respondents to my post.

  • Quick pop in - burning sensation - I had this, like carpet burn. Very common I think xxxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Brilliant, thank you x

  • And btw the feet in your earlier post are from my username I think! I chose feet as I love walking. 
    And re the carpet burn feeling (if that’s what yours is like), I was told it was due to nerves being disturbed during surgery. I think there’s a fair bit of delving around when they’re evicting the lump and finding the sentinel nodes. The side of my armpit was numb at first followed by the carpet burn sensation. Really quite unpleasant and I had to wear loose clothing to avoid aggravating it. It was all a lot more ‘physical’ than I’d anticipated. But healed fine in the end. I got anxious about the length of the gap between op and radiotherapy (had been told initially that it would be 6 weeks). But in the end I was glad to have 10 weeks of healing. Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Ive cut the tie off a soft sock and it eases the burning to wear it as a sleeve!  I am shocked by the level of pain/discomfort. I've been sick all day today and I think it's stress and fear. Hope will recover for this evening. Thanks for your help.x