Recently diagnosed

  • 3 replies
  • 302 subscribers

Hi I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. I found the lump just before New Year. It’s only a small lump, like a tiny pea. I’ve had my lymph nodes checked from a scan and no abnormalities found so that’s a good sign. I have my operation this Saturday coming (25th Jan) obviously I’m nervous. My other worry is if it’s spread anywhere else, would the surgeon know this from when they check lymph nodes during the operation when they take samples? 

  • Hello  ......sorry you have had to join us but hopefully you'll find this group as supportive as almost everyone posting has previously.

    I hope your operation goes well on the 25th. You didn't say but I'm imagining from your description of the cancer  'small pea' that it's  probably a lumpectomy with sentinel node removal. Both the tumour and the node will be analysed after the operation which can take 2/3 weeks but this will tell your doctors if you need further treatment and if so, exactly what is required. You asked if the doctors can tell from the node removal if the cancer has spread. Usually they can. If the nodes are clear then it is probable that there is no other spread. The work of the nodes is to mop up any cancer cells that have moved away from the breast. 

    I must admit that when my cancer was diagnosed I was very confused by all the different stages of testing and treatment. It took me a while to understand the different processes but gradually the different pieces of the jig saw slotted into place. Although the analysis of my tumour changed my treatment plan, the sentinel node was clear and no further removal was needed. My treatment was to prevent recurrence and nothing had spread. My mammograms have been clear since 2016.

    I hope this helps to reassure you a little. We all worry but today many breast cancers are treated successfully.

    If you feel you have more questions, or just want a chat, try the Awake thread. There you will find a lot of experience, a listening ear or just someone who can make you smile because as well as fear and tears, laughter is an important part of healing.

    I wish you well. I will be thinking of you on the 25th. Keep in touch. 

    Love Karen

    1. I
  • Hi Karen, thanks for that information. I feel a bit more reassured after reading your reply. So many things go through your head after diagnosis. The surgeon seems confident and said to me I’m lucky I noticed the lump so soon. They are going to remove the nipple and some breast tissue around the lump. 
    Thank you for the info on the awake thread, something to look at when negative thoughts go through my head. 
    Thank you so much Karen x

  • Hi, 

    I had the same and saw the surgeon two weeks after surgery as that’s when they get back results from pathology after testing lymph nodes and lumps. It’s an anxious wait but as yours was very small I’m sure all will be fine. It’s a positive to get back all the detailed info after pathology. Good luck with your surgery. It’ll be fine and you’ll be looked after. Thinking of you x