Delayed chemotherapy

  • 6 replies
  • 305 subscribers


I was due to have my 5th chemo on 28th December but it was delayed 2 weeks due to side effects.

i have now received my new date which is 16th January which is a 3 week break.

i am worried that if there if any cancer it will start to grow again.

jas this happened to anyone else?

Thank you

  • Hi Boydis, I'm one of the Community champions here on this group and I just picked up your post from yesterday.  I don't think you should be worried about a short break in your chemo cycle and it's most important you are fit and healthy so your body can cope with the treatment.  I remember having a couple of delays in my treatment, I don't think it's that unusual.  Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • I too had breaks due to low white cells but I also had to stop one chemo early because of an unexpected reaction. My onco said it wouldn't make any difference and he seems to have been right. Nine years on I still have the reaction but no cancer!

    I hope this break until the 16th gives you time to recuperate ready for the next sessions.

    Take care. Love Karen

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  • Can I ask what reaction you have had and if you continued treatment?

    I had a reaction to one of the chemo drugs on the last session so have changed to a hypoallergenic version but yesterday I had a reaction to the immunotherapy too!

    Happy New Year!

    Keely x

  • I had a reaction to Taxotere. Unfortunately permanent nerve damage in my feet and hands.  However treatments have much improved since 2016. Doses have been reduced or delivered weekly in smaller quantities so reactions are much less common. I started my chemo on Jan 2nd so exactly 9 years ago. The treatment you are having was only just being introduced in a few hospitals in the region where I live. I'm afraid I don't have any experience of it to enable specific advice but as a generalisation, if you don't feel something is quite right, contact a helpline asap. Your BCN or directline to oncology or even the GP surgery. My mistake was assuming my problem however painful, was normal. Maybe if I had spoken to someone sooner, the end result would not have been permanent damage.

    I hope thìngs can be sorted for you quickly and 2025 will bring you a successful outcome.

    Love Karen

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