First EC chemo and cold cap.

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  • 305 subscribers

I had my first EC chemo on Thursday and opted to try the cold cap. I felt a fear of it had been drummed into me a bit with regard being able to tolerate it but I was honestly fine.  I know we are all different but I’m glad I tried it. It goes cold almost instantly and feels odd but I got used to it very quickly by concentrating on my book. After a while I just ignored it and was happily drinking hot chocolate and eating crisps! I did need to wrap up in a blanket as the cold went through me a bit. I couldn’t get my reading glasses on which was a pain and I need to get a rubber strap to attach them to next time. I’ve had a slight nagging headache since but not too bad. I haven’t had any other effects apart from I haven’t wanted a number 2 at all! I guess all my other meds are still working to stop side effects. Steroids in particular. As for hair I will have no idea for a while but I’m happy to stick with the cold cap now. The worse bit for me was they struggled to get the canula in my hand which stressed me out. I’m having a PIC line after the next round so that might help. 
I hope this reassures anyone worrying about trying it. 

  • Hi  

    That's great to read that so far everything's going okay.

    I had 3 cycles of EC but chose not to cold cap, as I'd heard that it could be unpleasant, so thanks very much for taking the time to tell us all about your positive experience.

    I hope your next rounds are just as good.

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  • Hi glad you’ve had a positive experience, I’m waiting to hear if I need chemo. The hair loss for me will be the worst bit. Did you have to have yours cut or anything beforehand?

    I have really long and thick hair and worry if the cold cap would fit or if the cold would get through my thick hair - if that makes

    id try anything to stop mine from falling out - my hair is my comfort blanket xxx

    Hope you continue to have a positive experience xxx

  • Hi. I’m only a week post my first EC chemo. The last 2 days have been tiring with a massive headache! In terms of chemo and hair i felt exactly the same as you. I have long hair which I usually wash and straighten every day! I had it cut to shoulder length in case I needed to accommodate a wig over the top if it gets too thin. I haven’t lost any yet but I am expecting to lose some or even all but for me it’s worth trying. I was terrified of it all at the start and lost a lot of weight not eating etc but taking it day by day and living as normally as i can is helping. I’m glad im having chemo over winter before my surgery as i feel I can cope with anything like hair loss or illness better tucked away at home. Feel free to message me if you need to know anything else but give the cap a try it’s really ok. Good luck x 

  • It’s horrible isn’t it Frowning2 I can cope with the surgery and discomfort , but my hair is my crown if that makes sense.

    I’m not a confident person but I’ve always had compliments regarding my hair - have been so lucky and to take that away for me will be devastating. I know it’s a means to an end but it’s not helpful when people say it’ll grow back…..I know there’s always people worse off and going through so much more than me, but just the thought scares me so much.

    Thank you so much for replying, I will if I need to try the cap - even if I have it cut shorter, it’s kind of a compromise.

    I haven’t had it trimmed or my greys touched up since my diagnosis, as in my head it’s like tempting fate - if that doesn’t make me sound mad lol xxxx