
  • 3 replies
  • 306 subscribers

Start my radiotherapy Monday can’t say I’m looking forward to it but has to be done and the medication I will have to take, and trying to shake of this chest infection which came out of nowhere, think cat knows something is going on as she won’t go far from me, feeling bit scared not about dying but don’t need any more pain, friend seem to have dried up as phon calls are getting less and less only ones who seem to care are my grandchildren, wish weather would change bit of sunshine helps instead of this dreary weather, 

  • You will breeze through radio,one of the less invasive things that come with bc,you might feel a bit tight in a few weeks and have a sun tan square but things will be ok.kind regards

  • I had my radiotherapy in the summer, it is a bit odd but wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I had 5 days intensive. Wear comfortable leggings as you lie still for a bit longer the first time. After it keep moisturising. You’ve got this! 

  • Hi, how did it go today?

    I had 15 treatments and apart from the travelling it was fine.

    hope it went ok.