Breast lumpectomy and axilla clearance

  • 1 reply
  • 301 subscribers

I was called back after screening mammo, 9mm breast lump biopsied and confirmed it was cancer with no node involvement. But when transferred to local hospital and mdm recalled for ultrasound and biopsied lymph node. 2 lymph nodes were positive. So Wednesday had lumpectomy and full lymph node clearance. My hand is numb at moment and still in quite a bit of pain.

It's been a mega shock as my hubby is in remission for prostrate cancer for a few months. I work in the NHS and was thinking at 56 years old should I retire my job is very physical what do others think 

  • Hi Sad wife

    Welcome to the breast cancer forum and I am sorry to hear that you were diagnosed with breast cancer and that your husband has had prostrate cancer.  As for whether to retire or not I think that depends on how you feel once all your treatment is over and done with and whether you can afford to retire or not.

    Wishing you the best of luck with whatever comes next for you.

    Best wishes


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