Lymph node pain. Removal. Armpit stitches.

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  • 302 subscribers

How can lymph node removal be so much more annoying and now itchy than having stitches in your nipple!!! I heard it was worse that the lumpectomy incision. Hope it doesn’t last too long into life. Urghh. What are your experiences? 

  • My breast incision was a doddle to heal but my armpit wound took months. I had a tiny hole for ages. The incision was right in the crease. We got there in the end but it was a pain!

    Only 84% of breast cancers are detectable by mammogram 

  • Hi Wave I had a lumpectomy and fully node clearance 3 weeks ago. I agree and have found the armpit more uncomfortable than the breast. Especially the swelling and numbness/weird sensation down the back of my arm.  All my stitches are dissolvable so fortunately I don’t have any to be removed and my surgeon covered the scars with like a clear glue to help keep them shower proof. It does feel tight and sensitive and I find it rubs on the post surgery bra. Have you had any cording from the surgery? I found that quite painful. Have you recently had the surgery? X 

  • Funny you say that about being detectable on a Mammogram. I had a Mammogram,3D Mammogram and an Ultrasound and all clear for the breast, it wasn’t til I had a MRI it showed. I went to GP in July and didn’t find out I had BC until the end of October. Scary isn’t it x

  • My surgeon recommended that I took ibuprofen. He also recommended an amazing surgical bra, that I wore for six months. The company are called Macom Medical. It was so supportive and didn’t irritate the nodes under my armpit. The bras got no seams and I brought the longer length one. 
    I’m a year on and had my mammogram which came back clear. The bra is lovely and stretchy and still fits now. I totally recommend this bra. I’m a 32E and found it extremely supportive and comfortable to sleep in. 


  • I am a week from surgery tomorrow, so dressings off and stitches 'trimmed' with a nurse. I have read a lot about sore and bothersome armpits! I think mine may be a little better today. The swollen feeling rubbing against your boob, and then trying to find a good bra to wear and not move it too much is all a pain in the bum. 

    Ibroprofen is the only thing that sorts it for a while, which I am alternating with paracetamol. 

    Looking forward to having a proper shower! And seeing for the first time what lies under the dressings. 

    Mammo and MRI discussion: I was told my type of cancer (lobular) is better picked up on a mammo than an MRI. MRI are sooo sensitive that they can throw up so much stuff that can lead to 'biopsy chasing'. If I could I woulld have both 1x a year forever, but hopefully in time. paranoia will calm. Who knows. You certainly can NOT feel my cancer as it grows in chains, not lumps. Even the consultant couldn't feel it and she knew where is was! Worrying for the future Disappointed

    Gentle hugs all x,