Carrying on after breast cancer

  • 3 replies
  • 310 subscribers

It's been 8 weeks since my lumpectomy. But I still have a sore lump below the scar and the are below my grey-is this normal?

  • Hi there, certainly the tenderness around the scar area is normal, mine was painful for a long time and even today, 3 years on, is tender.  Hope you recover well

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  • Mine is very similar and I'm 6 weeks post lumpectomy, my colour is more of a darker purple. I'm still quite numb! Massaging the scar and lump each day for a while is definitely reducing the lump xx

  • Over 2 yrs since my lumpectomy. Still can't lie on right boob, too sore.. lost my hubby, 3 days after my last chemotherapy in June 2022.. life goes on, as they say, but really struggle to see how to carry on. Due for my 2nd annual mammogram next January. On Anastrazole tablets until Dec 2026. I know I'm lucky that it wasn't in lymph nodes etc. Took everything they suggested.. chemotherapy  radiotherapy then Herceptin injections for a year..