Public breakdown…I shouldn’t be allowed out!

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  • 311 subscribers

Well, that was embarrassing, I went out on my own a week after having my first round of EC chemotherapy. As I was thinking how nice it was to be browsing around a shop I had this overwhelming feeling that I was going to pass out and throw up. Luckily there was a cafe in the store so I managed to get to the counter where the lovely lady noticed that I wasn’t well and led me to a table with a glass of water.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, the slightest bit of sympathy reduced me to tears and they wouldn’t stop! People kept coming up to me to see if I was okay. I would have done the same if I saw a lady in distress but the more attention I got the worse I felt. I’m a shy person who doesn’t like to be noticed.

How do you cope with these emotions and has it happened to anyone else in a public place? I’m scared to go out on my own again now which isn’t like me as I love my own company. X

  • Hi Dexie61,

    Do not be embarrassed! 

    I went out yesterday evening, only to b n m for a few bits and I had the same as you - thought I was going to pass out! I dumped everything with my partner and went outside to sit down. I had my infusion last Wednesday.  

    I am pleased the public looked after you Purple heart 

    EC can cause menopause symptoms. I’ve recently been having hot flushes. 

    I didn’t get emotional yesterday. Just frustrated. 
    Be kind to yourself and don’t let this set you back.

    I am emotional about my whole situation so I am not sure what advice to give you. 

    Good luck xx

  • Hi

    What you are feeling is perfectly normal. I had incontinence issues after my first EC cycle. Once the side affects had eased and I was able to walk a few steps without feeling dizzy and wanting to vomit at every scent or smell. I had to carry clean undies, trousers and tena products but luckily I didn't go anywhere without hubby as he was always concerned.

    As for the breaking down at compliments, so normal reaction to have. My neighbour brought a huge bouquet of flowers and chocolates. I spent 5 minutes incoherent blubbering to her. Every message of get well or how are you doing reduces me still. Not used to kindness. You are not alone. Many a night have I had silent tears to this forum. I'm sure you feel like you have to tell people, even strangers what is going on.

    EC is brutal. I don't go anywhere without someone with me, usually my ever suffering hubby but if you have a friend that's willing to walk with you.

    Also Macmillan coffee mornings are great. I have noticed people talk about Maggie centres. Ther isn't 1 near me sadly

    Writing on these forums can be a good thing. No judgement!! I hope things get easier for you

    Keep smiling 

  • Hi Dexei61

    Dont be embarrassed. 

    When I was going through chemo it was during covid so I couldn't go to shops and didn't particularly want to, but what helped me was getting out and going for walks in the park and just being able to sit on a bench and watch the world go by. One thing I would say though is always let someone know where you are if you are out on your own. Being outside in nature I dont think anyone really noticed me and i could feel normal and not that person with cancer for an hour or so. I am now 3 years clear.

    Good luck with the rest of your treatment and look after yourself. 

    Carolyn x

  • I know how you feel! The first day out after my 10 days of TCHP side effects always feels a little overwhelming, both physically and mentally. Like I have an huge sensory overload - I totally understand how agrophobia could start now!  

    in addition All the attention from friends and family is lovely but sometimes is too much. I got three beautiful bunches of flowers delivered on my birthday from friends who would just normally send a card or a text  & I cried. I don’t want any of this shit! A friend lives next to the hospital where I am being treated and offered my use of her parking space while I’m having chemo and I burst into tears. 

    i think eventually once chemo is over I’ll get over it. It’s hard. I feel your pain. 

  • Please don’t worry about airing those emotions! Sometimes we have to open up and either rant or weep. I’m sure everyone who tried to help you totally understand.

    i lost it once in M&S, in a total fury, just at their system, but apologised and explained why I had been so cross, then cried! A day later I had a huge bouquet of spring flowers, delivered to me at home, which of course set me off all over again!

    hugs xxx
