Positive sentinel lymph nodes

  • 2 replies
  • 304 subscribers


I was diagnosed with a grade 1 15mm er positive her2 negative, my ultrasound scan showed no node involvement, breast cancer in September. I've recently just has a lumpectomy and sentintal lymph node removal. 

This week I had my results and they came back with clear margins, which is great but they found a small number of cancer cells in 3 of the five nodes. The cancer is actually a grade 2 and 20mm but same ER and HER2. 

I now need to have a CT scan and bone scan and to ensure no other spread. I'm just so so worried that there is Pensive from anyone else's experience is this common or unlikely due to ot being a slower spreading type of cancer and a small lump?

Thank you for your help.

Denise x

  • Hi just to say I also was told no node involvement on initial scan and totally took that to the bank. You soon learn that the scans are not 100%. It’s a shock. 
    node involvement is not uncommon - can’t remember exactly the % chance of node but maybe 30%?

    anyway I’m sure your Ct scan will be fine but it’s a horrid wait. I know it’s been said before but it’s so true you do feel better when there’s s plan …. And it’s great they got clear margins

    also it helped me to know that the nodes are generally sequential - so yes its in three but the fact it’s not in numbers 4 and 5…… if I’ve understood that right…… is a good thing. 
    good luck and keep in touch x

  • Hi c22,

    Thanks very much for your reply!

    Yes, the surgeon took 5 sentinel lymph nodes, thought she thought at time of surgery she only took 3 as only 3 showed up when she injected the blue dye and 3 have come back with some cancer cells and 2 were all clear. 

    I trying to think of that as positive too and that my cancer is more slow growing but you can't help but worry and I'm a terrible googler!

    Thanks again and hope you're okay too.

    D xx