1st Surveillance Mammogram Experience

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  • 310 subscribers

Hi everyone,

About two weeks ago I attended the Breast Clinic for my first mammogram after completing treatment.

I still have tenderness and lumpy bits after radiotherapy and surgery and was worried about this next stage. I took painkillers an hour before and it was fine. My results would be ten days or so in the post.

On the tenth day exactly the letter arrived. I put it to one side for an hour and thought about opening it. I had a brew and decided I needed to face the music. The first word my eyes found was “unfortunately” and I felt sick. However the letter stated due to a technical issue y images were not clear enough to provide a screening result and I was invited back to redo the mammogram in three and a half weeks time!

I phoned up and was advised to telephone in another day as more appointments may be released.

Long story short I got straight in for 9am yesterday.

I only needed to have one side repeated and it was the side with the BC history - damm, more pain then but it was done. The operator said she was going to show the image to a doctor immediately to make sure it had captured everything this time. She returned to the room and said there was an area of concern so another sweeping mammogram was required along with an Ultra Sound scan and not to panic.

Mmm how can you not feel scared. I dressed and sat in the waiting room thinking about how I was going to get through this again if it was bad news?

The top doctor came in and scanned me, chatting all the whole and really tried to reassure me this can happen especially in your first surveillance mammogram. 
What they had seen and discussed together in the back office was in fact SCAR TISSUE. 
So, ladies I am fine for another 12 months and the relief was immense.

I thanked the team and shakily sat in the Hospital cafe nursing a coffee and cake whilst I reflected on what had just happened. It felt scarier than the first diagnosis and eventually I drove home and logged on back at work. 
Today, I feel so blessed and a lot more relaxed.

So, I’m sharing this with you all, especially if you are approaching this event as this can happen. If it does, think of this example and don’t panic or collapse.

They need to ascertain what the starting point is for future mammograms and see what is the new normal.

I hope this helps someone.

Have a good weekend x

  • Wow.  Thanks for posting this, Shopping Lady.  Although my first of these won't be until next June, it's extremely helpful to bear this in mind.   I'm so pleased for you and hope that coffee and cake were the best you'd ever tasted! 

  • Thank you for this. My first mammogram post treatment is booked for next month and I am nervous. I’m glad you mentioned scar tissue as I have this. I’ll feel better prepared and more optimistic already.

  • Thanks for posting this,  had my second year mammogram this week and am waiting to hear x

  • Thank you so much for posting this and I'm so glad your outcome was good. My first one is next April and I'm not looking forward to it as I had a lumpectomy and lymph nodes removed but they had to take away more than they first thought so my scars are quite big. It's still sore now after 5 months so I'm booked to see my support nurse again in a few weeks. 

    All the best for a healthy and clear future. xx

  • so happy was good news for you,I am due the first mammogram since surgery , am obviously a little worried, so do they only do the breast that was treated?  I was hoping they would check my other side as a very small pea sized lump which is more than likely nothing dramatic but should I ask if they will do both ? 

  • H Julie,

    They will check both breasts don’t worry.  However, I was recalled as one of the images from my treated breast was unclear.

  • Holy smoke! As if it’s not stressful enough that’s just ALOT! Soooooo pleased for you

    makes you think if they can see the result straight away it would be so much more humane to tell you there and then as standard, it’s not as if we haven’t had our fair share of the worried waiting

    really really happy you had a happy result

  • It was a stressful appointment I agree. I had to have an ultrasound scan too and I felt anxious laid there and thinking about the last time when they did a biopsy and my journey started. 
    Thankfully the scary area on the mammogram was scar tissue.

    but, yes…they have the capability to know in house but don’t have the resources I guess to turn it around whilst you wait.

  • well my first mammogram since operation is 8th November, I will be pleased to get it over with ,then I can move on I think from spending an entire year being a boob obsessed paranoid weirdo I have become lol, I actually did not take any notice of them before that, after 8 kids they sort of just hung about not really bothering me . so for all you out there waiting I say give yourselfs a big hug, 

  • I’m due my first one next month. Thanks for the tip to take analgesia beforehand as I have radiation fibrosis which is quite sore to touch. On a day to day basis, it’s manageable but we all know how that pesky machine squeezes the life out of our girls. Just when I was becoming settled after stopping my AI's ( another story) my brown envelope popped through the door yesterday and now I’m anxious again, can’t wait to get it over with.