Scared of next mammogram

  • 3 replies
  • 316 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

I had treatment for DCIS last year (surgery & radiotherapy). 
Since then, I  found out that I have a PALB2 gene mutation which  gives me a higher chance of getting cancer again.

My next mammogram is in 2 weeks time, and I m very worried about it. 
I ve just started a new job 2 months ago and it s very stressful. My team has 2 individuals who are particularly difficult which doesn’t help.

I m normally strong and upbeat but it s really affecting me.

How can I stop the worry ? It was suggested that I should get mastectomies but I wasn’t feeling physically strong enough then (I had 2 wide excisions surgeries to get rid of DCIS). Maybe I should reconsider…

I would love to hear from someone who understands (none of my friends ever had cancer, I m 49, they don’t understand).

Thank you.

  • Hi Mano

    Sorry to hear that you had breast cancer and that you have the PLB2 gene.  I'm also sorry to hear that your your new job is very stressful which as you said doesn't help. You need to think long and hard about whether or not to have a double mastectomy as while a mastectomy lessens the chances of the cancer coming back it doesn't completely guarantee it.

    While you are waiting for your mammogram and your results try to keep yourself busy doing the things that you love to do. I found things like reading a good book and getting out in the fresh air was a help.  You might also like to ring the helpline on 0808 808 0000 to talk to someone about how you are feeling they can even arrange counselling for you if you wish.  Also if you have a Maggie's centre or another cancer centre near you why not give them a ring or call in to talk to someone.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your mammogram in two weeks time and hopefully you will get the all clear.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi  , sorry you are going through such a stressful time. I have found every annual mammogram hard as I desperately want the monitoring but am always fearful of what they might find. There’s no easy way to ‘get through’ these anxious times, all god suggestions from  . And as you’ve said, friends who haven’t been through it just can’t appreciate how horrible it is. But then I don’t suppose I did either, pre cancer. That’s the great thing about this forum, I’ve found it a great place for support and shared experiences. 
    My cancer was slightly different to yours as it was invasive but I had similar treatments - surgery, radiotherapy plus the joy (not) of hormone therapy. But so far so good, I’m now 6 years post diagnosis. I discovered a couple of years ago that I have a mutated gene (ATM) which gives me an increased risk of getting cancer again but as the risk is moderate, rather than high, I wasn’t offered preventive mastectomies. It’s another worry though of course. 
    Will be thinking of you in 2 weeks time for your mammogram, let us know how it goes. Sending love and a big virtual hug, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Hi, I recognise all of these thoughts and scared feelings.

    It took over most of my thoughts as I approached my first mammogram two weeks ago. Then it’s a waiting game too, so the anxiousness lasts a while.
    I’ve just posted a new thread which detailed my experience but the result was clear in the end.

    I hope it goes well for you. X