Asked back after tests

  • 5 replies
  • 316 subscribers

Hi all,

7 weeks after being referred for an urgent breast cancer appointment I finally went for my appointment on Saturday, 3 mammograms, and ultrasound and 4 core biopsies later I get a letter for an outpatient appointment at the breast surgery clinic on the 17th October.

not sure what to think as the letter is dated the same day as I went for my tests and my biopsy results haven’t even come through yet. 

jumping to all sorts of conclusions now. Anyone else been through this. I know it seems daft to be worried but I’ve been so calm through all of this now I’m losing te plot.

  • Hi Referralhelp welcome to the forum. It may just be the way they work things in that area, but it is possible that what they can see and what they are thinking could mean that something suspicious is visible on Mammograms and they want to see you when the results come back, as they will be, by the 17th.  Did they say anything to you after all the tests were past or not? 

    Its not daft at all is a scarey time of uncertainty and don't knows and that's not a place any of us like to be, so you are not alone in that, I promise.  I hope this turns out to be nothing but best to be prepared. We are here for you as and when  you need us to be, so please do keep in touch.   


    Community Champion Badge

  • When I was recalled after my first routine screening they biopsies etc and gave me appointment for results as they said they give good or bad news in person.  

  • Hi  

    My appointment to get my results was given to me on the same day as I had the biopsies.

    I guess they know how soon the results should be back so make the appointment straight away.

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi Referralhelp, 

    Firstly I do hope everything goes okay with your follow up appointment! 

    I am in the exact situation as you and thought I’d been forgotten about. 

    I am 29 years old, found a lump on my right breast, dr referred me for urgent appointment, this was on 25th August. Had an ultrasound and a core biopsy, and was told it can take up to 3-4 weeks due to mdt meetings etc. 

    I then got a letter sent to me which I thought would be the news, but it was just follow up of what I had had done with the gradings of u3/u4 and things like necrotic centre, all of which meant nothing to me, so of course- you Google and worry yourself! 

    I had heard nothing about my biopsy, in those 4 weeks, I called breast nurses, my dr, the clinic all had nothing. I then randomly had a phone called on 19th September to come for an mri, no indication as to why, just that I needed one. So I went, and was told it can be 2 weeks for results. I then had a phone call a day later to then be booked in for a mammogram, again, no reason why just that I needed one. My minds been going crazy! 

    I have had all of these tests done, and still no one has contacted me to tell me anything I had an appointment come through for the 17th October like you, to see my consultant, I have never seen or spoken to him at all in the whole of this process and everyone I have spoken to had given me a brick wall, no one knows anything but him and I’m guessing I won’t be told until then either! 
    the 17th October will be 8 weeks since they took my biopsy!
    so maybe this is just standard, but The wait times are crazy and they should be more transparent with us on why certain things are being done in certain orders, to me at 29 a mamogram isn’t going to show anything a biopsy can’t, so seemed pointless do to this as the final test! 

    please try not to stress over it all, I know it’s easier said than done but you will drive yourself insane! Sometimes you also have to be your own advocate! Call your GP, call the breast care nurses, they will try to give you as much information as they can until your appointment with the clinic! 

    I hope all goes well for you! X 

  • That is shocking treatment of you.  Ring MacMillan helpline on advice of how to complain.