Fear of reoccurence

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Hello i am new to the forum. I was diagnosed on 2nd of august with grade 3 stage 3 idc hr/pr negative her 2 positive. I am 33 and I have a 5 year old. 

I have had 2 rounds of neo adjuvant chemo so far and i have recently seen a plastic surgeon who has told me i need a mastectomy. I am having immediate diep reconstruction.

I am terrified. I constantly think about it spreading and reoccurrence and i havent even finished treatment. I feel like im destined for this to be everywhere. 

I am concerned because i had a chest abdo pelvis ct which was fine but showed a broken rib. I could explain the rib as i had injured myself lifting weights months ago and thought i had pulled a muscle in my rib. My oncologist was happy with this but when seeing the plasric surgeon he asked if it had heen investugated as it concerned him. I explained the situation to him and he seemed happy with the explanation too but now i keep worrying that i sgould have had further imaging. 

Sorry for long post i need to vent as i dont like burdening others with my worries. Im just looking for reassurance/ positive stories.