Three year mammogram today

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Hi, today is my three year post surgery mammogram and I hardly slept last night. I am generally optimistic but every year when I get to the anniversary of my diagnosis until I get the all clear result, I get very anxious and relive the time from diagnosis until last radiation. 

I think it might partially be due to not really dealing with my emotions at the time and being to focussed on being postive. I have got a lot better with this, so hopefully next year's anniversary won't be as triggering. 

  • Hi  , sounds all too familiar. I want all the follow ups but of course it’s almost like reliving that first visit to the breast clinic all over again, each time. I think it’s very normal to feel this way and it’s hard for anyone who hasn’t been through a similar experience, to understand how long lasting the emotional effects can be. There’s a paper written by Dr Peter Harvey called something like, When treatment finishes… I’ll try to post a link but otherwise easy to find if you do an internet search. If you haven’t come across it before, I think it’s well worth a read. Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi