Hospitalised a week after 1st chemo

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Hi not had the most pleasant of experiences. My  first chemo was fine on the day but then 3 days later after I had finished my steroids I started with the sickness and diarrhea. All week I was struggling to eat and drink and was admitted to hospital as my symptoms were getting worse sickness tablets and loperamide not always helping.  My heart rate was 140 bpm and I was dehydrated and tested for infection. They fed me with antibiotics which made it worse and with not eating lost 8 pounds in weight. Ended up with no infection thankfully. They put it down to chemo and viral gastroenteritis but honestly think it was just  the strong  chemo as I'm being treated for her2 positive breast cancer. My next one is this Thursday which I'm absolutely dreading as don't want to go through all that again. My stomach still not 100 per cent they have prescribed lanzepramole for the acid and ondansetron and loperamide. I don't know whether to just start taking the ondansetron before the sickness starts just need abit of advice. They have said they will give me an extra week if I'm not 100 per cent so will have to see.