
  • 4 replies
  • 307 subscribers

Hi All

I have been on Letrozole since November/December last year.  I have had joint aches since the beginning and just get on with it.  I have recently started a fit step class and upped my walking and this has just in the last week irritated my right shin (not painful but different).  Can we take cod liver oil supplements or collagen supplements?  Do I need to speak to oncology or a physiotherapist? 

Every new ache makes me scared!

Thank you. 

  • Hi MuckyPawsHoniton,

    I’ve been on Letrozole for about five months and also have had some aches and pains. However, I’ve always taken vitamin D3 and find this has helped me - my Oncologist says it’s okay to continue this.

    I would think you would be okay with cod liver oil or collagen, but to be on the safe side, I would check with your doctor or breast cancer nurse. Let us know what she says and I hope this info helps.

    Take care and big hugs.x

  • Thank you for your response.  I take the Calcium D3 too and am mostly managing.  Think paranoia might be in charge.  I’ll speak to oncologist.


  • Just a thought - have you increased your exercise iquite a lot quite suddenly - this might explain the shin pain , as in letrizole might not be the culprit. Step is quite tough on the shins!! 

  • Hi there,

    I’ve been on Letrozole as well, and while it’s been effective, I definitely understand the side effects you’re describing. First of all, it is important to use only high-quality Letrozole for the best effect and to minimize side effects

    I also dealt with joint aches, especially in the mornings or after more physical activities. One thing that helped me was incorporating gentle stretching and low-impact exercises to keep my joints mobile without overstraining them. Walking and light stretching can often relieve some of the tension, but I also found that pacing myself was key—especially when starting new activities like a fit step class.

    Regarding supplements, I actually tried both cod liver oil and collagen to help support joint health, but I made sure to run it by my oncology team first. It’s a good idea to check in with them or even a physiotherapist, as they can provide specific guidance on what might be most beneficial or if there are any interactions to be aware of. Try not to worry too much about every ache; sometimes it’s just your body adjusting. But staying in touch with your medical team can definitely provide peace of mind. Take it one step at a time, and give yourself some credit for sticking with the exercise  — it's a big win!