Lymph node pain

  • 1 reply
  • 316 subscribers

I had right side mastectomy with lymph node removal end of Dec 2023. I had early stage high grade DCIS. 8cm. Test results showed no signs of invasive cancer and lymph nodes seemed clear (although the radioactive injection I was supposed to have day before op they forgot and gave me right before op so I hope it was still accurate). For the last few months I’ve had what feels like lymph node pain in my neck and on my collar bone which concerns me. I have mentioned it to bcn but no one seems concerned.

Has anyone else had this? I’m worried it could be a sign of something suspicious. Has anyone else had lymph node pain since op?

  • Hi Miss Potters welcome to the forum.

    Have you already seen your GP to let them have a feel at this to see if there is something there or not? It could be that you have an infection and that needs checked out as well. 


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