Waiting for Biopsy result

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  • 307 subscribers


I had a biopsy on Wednesday and was told my result was U5/M5 was I meant to get an appointment to get my results before I left or do you get one through the post? I’ve never had any of this before in my family so don’t really know what’s what? Any help would be greatly appreciated 

  • Hi,

    I've had to wait between a week and two weeks for biopsy results. I've always been given an appt for the results, as this is when they know enough to start to talk about next steps.

    If it is the NHS, they aren't great at communication - so, maybe give them a ring on Monday to check what should happen next. 

    Good Luck.

  • Thank you, 

    I received an appointment in the post today for the 3rd October. I’m seriously going insane with worry. I feel ill waiting. It feels so long away and i actually don’t know what to do with myself Cry

  • This is the really hard bit waiting for results.

    However, there are many different types of breast cancer, and many different treatment pathways which are determined by the results of the biopsy.

    So, they do have to wait until they have the results in front of them. And they won't overtreat, so if you need treatment, it will only be the minimum as indicated by the biopsy result.

    There are many good outcomes these days, and for myself, despite being diagnosed with breast cancer - the prognosis is very good and it is all now in the past.

    I think I was told to 'keep busy' whilst waiting for results which is the only thing to do really. Don't Google because there are so many possible outcomes you'll very likely be reading about stuff that will never apply to you.

    And if you search "wait" or similar on this forum you'll find that for many people this is the worst bit, and once you have a bit more knowledge it almost always becomes a lot easier to manage.

    All the best.

  • Hi  , can’t add much but thought I’d pop in just to give you a big virtual hug. It’s truly tortuous waiting for results, it really is a case of getting through this limbo time in whatever way you can. Keeping busy and active is probably the best advice as  has said, definitely stay away from Dr Google! So much there that’s out of date or just wrong, or may never apply to your situation anyway. Do post here though, I’ve found it a great place for support and shared experiences. That’s why I’m still rattling around the site, nearly 6 years post diagnosis! Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • I had my biopsy on 25th November and was told I’d hear something within 7-10 days, yesterday I received an appointment via text to say I’ve got an appointment on 6th Jan !!! - exactly 6 weeks since my biopsy, so now I e got to wait over Xmas and NY, I really don’t know what to think. On one hand I’m thinking it’s probably good news otherwise they’d see me sooner but then if it is good news then why can’t they tell via phone call or letter. Why make me worry over Xmas if it’s nothing??

    I’ve been signed off work until my appointment as I literally can’t function properly, as my mind is constant thinking is it or isn’t it - it’s driving me insane.

    Any advice would be appreciated xx