Itchy nipples and hard lumps 4 weeks after surgery

  • 2 replies
  • 306 subscribers

morning all 

I'm 4 weeks post surgery 2 x WLE both breasts for Invasive LC and Invasive DC. Only stitches are round the nipples and near the armpit for the SNR.

I'm just wondering: my nipples get itchy and my breast skin feels sensitive - Is this usual?

Also, on the side where the larger tumour was my breast feels hard under the fat - Is that normal?

Lastly, I still don't have the energy, mental and physical, to do the things I used to before the op and getting overwhelmed quite quickly...anyone else?

Any advice would be very helpful. I'm feeling quite vulnerable today - i am feeling more emotional as time moves on, mind you I'm waiting for results from oncologist this Friday about whether I'm having chemo or not so don't suppose that's helping. 

I do miss my old life though x

  • Hi

    My boob felt exactly like that a few weeks after. I’m 8 weeks post ops (had 3) - my skin felt sore but weirdly sort of numb at the same time. Apparently that’s actually a thing! It’s Still lumpy now - to feel, and the skin looks like orange peel. Massage helps and it’s less lumpy than it was I think  but I think it’s probably bit lumpy for life now. 4 weeks is still very early days. The hardness is likely to be scar tissue I’d say ??

    are you waiting for an oncotype or something - that’s an awful wait - my lowest point so far - and my bet is that you’ll feel better once you know where you stand. Best of luck with all of it 

  • Thank you for replying. 

    this wait for the oncologist is awful. I'm getting more overwhelmed now them I was waiting for my op!