Second primary breast cancer in under 2 years!

  • 2 replies
  • 304 subscribers

Hi all, 

I have been on the forum previously after my diagnosis in December 23 if grade 3 DCIS on the right side. I had lumpectomy and breast reduction, lymph clearance and 5 sessions of radio. Finished,  I thought, cancer had other ideas….. 

I am on day 3 post op from a second lumpectomy,  beast reduction and sentinel node removal on the left side this time, picked up only by tge routine mammogram, otherwise nothing to see or feel at this stage, so now I’m back in limbo land for results and wondering why?!?!?! I know that’s the impossible question to answer, but I would be keen to catch up with anyone who is or has been in the same boat, I’ve been told it’s a second primary cancer as opposed to a secondary tumour, sound familiar to anyone?! 

wishing you all well, stay strong xx

  • Hi Bailey15

    Sorry to hear that you had a second primary breast cancer in under two years.  Something similar happened me.  I was diagnosed with triple negative breast just over four years ago in my left breast and just under 3 years later I was diagnosed with another primary breast cancer in my right breast, this time it was er and pr positive breast cancer.  The second primary breast cancer was picked up on my Second yearly mammogram and came as a bit of a shock as I couldn't feel a lump and neither could my surgeon. 

     Wishing you the best of luck with whatever comes next for you.

    Best wishes


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  • Hiya, 

    Thank you for your reply, I’m just waiting now, feeling good 5 days post op be glad to get rid of the drains and dressings! See the BCN’s on Tuesday for a check up and my oncologist in a couple of weeks although I know that conversation will be a lot of what ifs and maybe’s as I have been told likely 8 weeks for any results. 

    Thanks again for replying xx