Feeling too hot and too cold

  • 5 replies
  • 305 subscribers
I am really struggling with regulating my temperature (my actual measured temperature is always okay) - but I am going from feeling too cold to too hot all the time. Does anyone have any advice on how to get over this, please?
For info, I had my second round of chemo last week and have shaved my head as my hair was falling out all over the place - this could be relevant.
Thanks :-)
  • Ho Cloughclimber welcome to the forum. I'm imagining that this is as a direct result of the chemo as this can often be one of the side effects as it will be affecting your hormones.


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  • I too felt this.

    i bought a small electric heat pad, like a Mini electric blanket, which I found useful when feeling cold.  I used to dress in layers so I could layer up or throw layers off depending on how I felt.  Like you my actual temperature remained normal through these feelings.

    another thing sent to try us!

  • Thank you, did it stop when you stopped chemo? 

  • I had extreme chills and extreme hot flushes when I was on docetaxal. I bought a hot water bottle that was long and thin so that I could have it cover more of my body. The hot flushes came with a massive wave of anxiety and I found that hard to cope with. I got a fan for the hot flushes which helped.

    The extreme swings of hot and cold did stop after chemo, but as I was on hormone therapy with a sudden menopause then the hot flushes have remained, though they are no longer as extreme, or associated with anxiety.