Hair growth and hairline

  • 1 reply
  • 317 subscribers

Hi, I have not been on the site for a while.

I went through chemo (EC & Paclitaxel) as well as radiotherapy after a lumpectomy. I tried the cold cap on my first treatment but I didn't cope well with it and stopped using it and therefore lost my hair. My hair starting growing again just over a year ago now and as much as it's grown back, even if not as thick as before, my hairline still hasn't. I used to always pull my hair back before loosing my hair but if I do that now, I look bold. I keep my hair around my face to hide it but I feel really self contient and uncomfortable about it. I also don't like my hair style. 

Is the hairline taking longer to grow back? Does anybody have any experience with that? How do you deal with it? I read that you can have hair transplant but it's not covered by the NHS.

Thank you and all the best to everybody.

  • Hi, hair regrowth can be such a challenge, and I think is something that's not really talked about, but I completely understand how you're feeling. Sadly I don't have any answers about the hairline, but do you have a friendly hairdresser who you can chat to?  Best wishes 

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