EC shrinkage

  • 3 replies
  • 305 subscribers

Hi I have completed 12 weekly cycles of Abraxane, carboplatin and immunotherapy 3 weekly.Due to infection and hospital admission, I only managed 8 out of the 12 Abraxane.I had an ultrasound and my 14mm lump had only shrunk to 12mm so in the words of the oncologist a very modest response.So my next treatment was EC 4 cycles every 3 weeks.I recieved my first cycle on the 15th Aug,it has absolutely wiped me and 13 days on starting to feel a little bit normal.I have tried to feel my and have had real difficulty finding it,they did say this is the one that normally blasts it.I just wanted to ask people's experiences with EC and can it actually shrink this fast xx

  • I was on ec, I had one cycle then had an appointment to insert a marker clip and when they done ultra sound they said are you sure you only had one round as couldn't see anything of the main lump which I could never feel anyway, what I could feel was the lymph nodes. 

  • Hi TEENY1978, thank you for your reply.So happy that must have been really positive news for you.Im due to have an ultrasound after the second cycle so will know then.I guess I just thought am I imagining it.Ive always been able to feel my lump and had markers inserted at the intial pre diagnosis biopsy.Hope allis going well with your treatment xx

  • Have completed chemo, lumpectomy, radiotherapy, I have 5 more phesgo injections left and just Anastrozole for 5-10 years and zoladex injections every 28 days.