Diep flap reconstruction tips.

  • 2 replies
  • 306 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

I am due to have my delayed diep flap reconstruction in a few weeks. I was wondering had any tips on the best things to help in recovery, and what they took into hospital. Thanks. 

  • Hi Daisy79, I'm also due to have the same surgery on the 8th of October. I'm also interested in any tips people can give. Hope all goes well with your surgery. Xx

  • Hi Daisy ive just read your post so I’m not sure if you have had your surgery yet - I had my diep flap three years ago now and I’m pleased with my new boob from my tummy - takes a bit if getting used to as no sensation etc for a long time - but now I do have a small amount of sensitivity. 
    Comfy pants either ones that go above or under the scar - hospital gave me a tummy support to wear 24/7 which was great , sports bras from Amazon - front fastening - M&S ones made me look and feel frumpy, elasticated joggy bottoms / soft material trousers a must , front buttoning pjs , bio oil for scars ( after leaving hospital) and try not to wear bras with wires as they really can hurt and dig in especially where you are numb!! Dry shampoo wet wipes incase stuck in bed and you are hot and sticky etc. 

    Hope this helps and I wish you a safe recovery from a shitty situation- I’m three years down the line and it’s taken me this long to accept my new body and undress in  front of him but I’m proud of my scars and wear my bikini with pride as I’m a survivor- everyone’s journey is different and personal so take your time to recover. Xx