Treatment finished. Huge anxiety

  • 2 replies
  • 316 subscribers

I finished treatment a few weeks ago. My anxiety is huge compared to what it was during treatment.  Have other people experienced this and does it lessen with time?

  • Have a read of a fascinating article by Dr Peter Harvey, I’ll find and post a link for you. I think you’ll find it reassuring and helpful

    hugs xxx


  • Hi Sourdough,

    I had a lumpectomy and nymph nodes removed nearly four months ago and have just finished my radiotherapy. What you are feeling is not unusual, it seems that when the treatment is over, people think that’s it you’re okay and it’s not always the case. You’ve had a huge back up team behind you and supporting you and now that’s gone.

    The paper Moomy refers to is very good. Dr Peter Harvey is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist at Leeds University Hospital and he hits every nail on the head. I can assure you, that it is straightforward, easy to read and not full of medical jargon, it does really help,

    Also, don’t forget to ring your Doctor or Breast Cancer Nurse whenever you need to, mine contact me regularly or I can ring them, leave a message on the answer phone and they ring back quickly.

    Don’t forget, you can always chat to us riff raff on here at anytime - we’re all in this together.Thumbsup tone3