I get my head around one thing and then ‘bam’ get dealt something else.

  • 2 replies
  • 318 subscribers

After finally having my oncology referral last Thursday, 6 weeks post op, I was finally starting to get my head around chemo (to some extent - I’m really agitated and anxious for the unknown, first round Tues 6th Aug.) For my BC nurse to ring today to say my genetic tests have come back and I do have the BRAC2 gene mutation. Now my head is swimming again; will this mean more surgery? Could I have ovarian cancer and not even know? What about my two little girls? Could my brother and his children have inherited too? Which side of my family has it come from, my mum or dads? 
I feel like I get my head around one this - biopsys, diagnosis, surgery, treatment - to be walloped with something else to deal with. 

  • It all comes together sometime, and in the early days it can be overwhelming. All these questions you have are perfectly normal we all do it. Your brain is in a whirl right now and you need if possible to breath and give yourself a minute for it all to sink in. Unfortunatly the next few months will be like being on a rollercoaster but you will find a way to cope we all do in one way or another. I have been on this road for over 20 years and it keeps biting me in the bum from time to time. It will all calm down when you know your treatment plan and you know whats happening. Its the unknown that scares us all. xx

  • Hi there, oh gosh, this must be such a shock, to say the least and I guess it's difficult to process.   If you've not read it yet, this information from Macmillan might be useful for you. BRCA Gene Information and I'd also recommend you have a chat with the lovely,folks on the Macmillan hotline, who'll be happy to listen and support. The number is 0800 808 0000.

    Wishing you the best as you navigate through the challenges. 

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