After Radiotherapy

  • 2 replies
  • 315 subscribers

I had a lumpectomy and lymph nodes removed nearly four months ago and finished my radiotherapy, two weeks ago.

Everything had gone great and I have been told I am clear, which is all great news. I feel so grateful and fortunate compared to what some people are going through, but for some reason feel a little out of sorts and uncertain about things. I have lived on my own for nigh on forty years, have always been an independent, positive person and have also been given great support,  so why do I feel a little unsure about things,

Is this normal, I would love to hear peoples thoughts and if anyone has experienced this kind of thing themselves.

i would like to add, that you lovely peeps have been wonderful over these past months Thumbsup tone3

  • Hi  , I suspect this is natural, yonce been actively monitored for some time and now you’re going to be ‘flying solo’ so to speak. 

    Oddly enough I finished rads only today but because it’s for a recurrence I know I’m going onto other treatment.have you had a read of Dr Peter Harvey’s paper ‘after treatment ends, then what’ as it really sums up how folk feel after that daily check up of the radiographers. I will look up and post a link for you

    I had a read not long after I was initially diagnosed in 2018, and it felt almost too soon, but read it again later and it helped.

    Hope all goes really well and smoothly for you, don’t forget we are still here if you have any concerns,

    Hugs xxx


  • Hi Moomy,

    Many thanks for your kind reply. I think you’re right, you’ve had a team 9n your side and now you’re flying solo and have to try and get back to a normal footing so to speak.

    I have downloaded that paper and will have a read, thank you for that and I hope you are doing well and enjoying the good weather with Henry dog.xx