Delayed chemo

  • 2 replies
  • 317 subscribers

Hi all, just needed some advice on delayed chemo. I've been diagnosed with grade 3 DCIS invasive breast cancer. It has spread to all the lympnodes so I will need full lymphnode clearance and mastectomy. 

The lump is so large I need chemo first to shrink everything before the op. I am on the 4 cycles of EC (red devil) chemo and then will need 12 cycles of a different kind.

My issue is I have only managed one cycle so far and my liver is showing high on my blood tests. Each week it's higher than the last. They keep delaying everything for a week but so far the levels have not decreased. They did an ultrasound of the liver and said it looked OK, my body is just struggling with the medication. My issue is I've been told my cancer is so advanced and is aggressive and it's making me worry about all the delays. Could the cancer pottentionally spread if they don't act faster? 

Has this happened to anyone else? I'm so anxious

  • Hi Shen huss

    Welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with breast cancer and that your treatment has to be delayed because your liver is showing high on your blood tests.  I suggest that you ring the helpline on 0808 808 0000 to talk to someone about how you are feeling.  You could also put your question into our Ask a nurse section, though you may have to wait for a few days for a reply. Here's the link to that sectiuon: Ask a Nurse .

    Hopefully you'll be able to resume your treatment soon.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • Thanks for your reply. I will put the question to ask a nurse and hopefully get some reassurance.

    Thanks again