Recently diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer feel like my life is on autopilot.

  • 4 replies
  • 317 subscribers

Hi, I'm almost 54 and have only recently been diagnosed with Ductal, triple negative breast cancer, it appears to of been found early only 18mm but deep in the breast tissue it wasn't palpable, I am looking for information and outcomes from other's experiences.

I'm due to have a lumpectomy and 5 lymph nodes removed on 6th August, followed by chemo and radiation.

I'm really confused with my treatment plan, I have a chronic heart condition and limited movement with my arms and neck due to a injury and surgeries in recent years. My surgeon wanted to check my arm movement before giving his decision on treatment route, and as I was just about able to raise my left arm enough with support he has said he wants to do a lumpectomy and lymph node removal which is scheduled for the 6th, if I was unable to move my arm high enough he would of advised to go for with a mastectomy. I have asked if having the mastectomy would reduce the further treatment, and advised it would be the same, but everything I'm reading is contradicting this, dose anyone have any experience with this any advise would be very much appreciated.

I have also read others asking for a double mastectomy so it greatly reduced the chance of reoccurrence. With my heart condition creating further complications I keep wondering if this would be my best option so that I would hopefully put my heart through as little stress as possible. I have also read that its really difficult to get a surgeon to remove a unaffected breast. Any information on others experiences is really appreciated, thank you.

Bentley XX

  • Hi  

    I was diagnosed with TNBC in April 2022. Like you mine couldn't be felt and was only picked up because I was recalled after a mammogram was showing a possible area of DCIS.

    I had the same treatment plan as you and now just have 6 monthly infusions of zoledronic acid.


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  • Thank you for your positive reply, it gives me hope I'm on the right path for now x

  • Hi Bentley 70

    1. I too was diagnosed with triple neg ductal breast cancer grade 3 , mine was 15mm , I had this removed in February,  now on chemo started 3 x 3 weekly ec , now on paclitaxel number 5/9 , then radiotherapy one week daily..saw radiographer yesterday,  apparently they scan you first they can tell where heart is situated as some people,s heart are more central (who knew) and they give you a breathing in excercise when you are having the radiation to protect heart,   she says it's the setting up that takes the longest , the actual radiation is only a minute long. However,  they will go through all the pros, and cons with you. Found it very informative. Good luck on your journey , hope all goes well, they are a brilliant team and will all ways re assure you, don't be scared to ask if you have any worries. Hope this helps 
  • Hi Katkin, thank you for your message. It's giving me some reassurance hearing about your journey and reading others on here.

    Bentley XX