Interupted radiotherapy treatment due to broken machine

  • 5 replies
  • 318 subscribers

Hello everyone,  I wad diagnosed with an invasive DCiS stage one cancer in March and was hoping to get my final radiotherapy treatment,  5 days only last Friday.  My treatment has been interrupted due to the broken machine and I am not sure if I can have it tomorrow either. I am a bit anxious as my treatment has not been completed and the hospital keep telling me that it will be all o.k? Has anyone had a similar issue with the interrupted treatment? A

  • Hi Aggie, yes, my radiotherapy was interrupted more than once either because it was a bank holiday or the machine was broken. I think so long as you get all the sessions you need done it’s fine , it’s still frustrating though when you just want to get the treatment finished. 

  • Hi  , I had 15 sessions 5 years ago when that was the norm. I started on a Tuesday so had several 2 day breaks as no rads at the weekend. And like  has said, bank holidays also get in the way! My understanding is that it’s the cumulative total dose that matters. But I bet you just want it to be finished! Fingers crossed you can have that final dose tomorrow xxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Thank you so much for your reassure. All the best wishes xxx

  • Just got to my delayed appointment which I knew about and had duly informed transport, to find it’s even more delayed! An extra 35 minutes…..

    but this is in a huge hospital with 6 machines. Apparently one of the machines had a breakdown. 

    hope you get sorted soon 

    hugs xxx


  • Hello, I have had my final radiotherapy treatment today.  It feels I can properly breathe again Relieved.  I will be taking small steps to recovery now. My greatest gratitude to all.